Isn’t the most famous honeymooner’s memes:
One of these days, Alice! BANG! ZOOM! Straight to the moon!
Not taking about rockets, he’s threatening to beat his wife
Ah, so not like the Nintendo switch games
If I understand correctly, it’s nat on the local home router AND nat on the ISP’s router as well. It’s a double nat.
They’re fairly common in the US with smaller or local fiber networks, but most ISPs offer a static IP for an additional $10/month to bypass the CGNAT
What kind of crack were you smoking in the shower?
Lol by the time I actually needed to upgrade from that mini, all the fruit stand stuff wasn’t really upgradable anymore. It was really frustrating, so I jumped ship to Windows.
Those iMac screens seemed so fiddley to remove just to get access to the drives. Why won’t they just bolt them in instead of using glue! (I know why, but I still don’t like it)
Lol, I used to have an 08 Mac mini and that required a razor blade and putty knives to open. I got pretty good at it after separately upgrading the RAM adding an SSD and swapping out the cpu for the most powerful option that Apple didn’t even offer
Yes, it’s the OS for their custom KVM board. Released open source so it can be inspected or altered by the users of their board
It’s a touchscreen for a smart watch that they reused to save money. Would have been more expensive to design a custom screen when something like this already exists
Heh, I did something similar for my dad. He went from 2x core2quad 24gb DDR2 to a 12th Gen i5 with 32gb ddr5. Something like triple the compute power, at under $500 when he paid ~$5k for the original
That little beauty is just how it starts. Sooner or later you end up like this:
You’re thinking manslaughter
This is just the developer preview, it’s not getting released for 6 months
How else are they going to create a class of untermenschen
I could be wrong, but wouldn’t the capacitor keep it from turning on until charged?
Der? Gendered nouns in other languages confuse my English mind.
But elf=B=11. Kinda depends on context if 11 is a digit
Or at least feature parity in the separate app
Yeah the ceo gets credit for pumping a company up, but no we can’t possibly blame them for the company’s failures. This should be coming out of his paycheck/bonus.
And what about his wife? Incontinenta Buttocks?