Can confirm! I also have AdGuard & BPC and I can browse around it with no trouble.
Can confirm! I also have AdGuard & BPC and I can browse around it with no trouble.
The Canadian stores have been owned by Sobeys since 2013!
Safeway had them on sale for like $3.50 so we loaded up lol
Not sure yet, I’m looking into it! I’ll report back if I find a good one though
The only thing holding us back at this point are our shitty internet companies lol.
Fuck you Telus!
Le livre des visages
Canada here! Literally cancelled Netflix last week and talked to my SO about using the money instead to pay for a seedbox lol.
Also trying to do a grocery run without buying any American products is a challenge but doable! Loading up on Dr. Oetkers pizza and Romanian pasta
Yeah I agree with copyright just being about 20 years or so, but more just for the sake of art and having a robust public domain that can preserve cultural things. If that also benefits AI in some way, sure, whatever.
I think ultimately there’s always going to be someone who doesn’t give a fuck about copyright anyway, be it China or just some random person on the internet who’ll eventually train an open-source LLM on everything they can get their hands on. The current copyright system hampers innovation (not just in AI, but in all sorts of areas) and holds back culture for the sake of making a handful of corporations rich, and is largely irrelevant nowadays anyway because of the internet IMO.
I think it’ll quickly move beyond the ‘overseas’ bogeyman anyway, especially with LLMs becoming open-source. Once that gets properly rolling, anybody could theoretically train an LLM on whatever material they want regardless of how illegal it is, and people won’t really give a shit, they’ll just use whichever one works best.
Yeah I literally just close the tab. Same if anything comes up with a paywall or login or weird capcha thing. Just like “ah fuck this” and move on lol.
I bought a quite expensive piece of animation software (that cost over $1000) to use professionally. The specific term it was sold to me under was a “perpetual license.” I took this to mean “never ending”, which is the dictionary definition of the word “perpetual.” You can probably guess where this is going.
A few years later, in the middle of a professional project, it stopped working. I contacted support, and was told that they changed the way they were doing licenses so I’d have to buy a new one (at almost double the price) or eat shit. I’m paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it.
So yeah, if you’re thinking of buying a Toon Boom Harmony perpetual license, maybe save yourself a lot of money and hassle and just pirate it instead. Or tell them to get fucked and use their direct competitor. I have done both.
That’s what I do. I’m in a place that really doesn’t give a shit about Piracy (the worst they’ll do is send a letter, one of my friends got one and called up his ISP to complain about it and they told him to stop seeding so much lol) but I still run a VPN 24/7 anyway just to be safe. It costs peanuts and doesn’t slow down the internet hugely so I figure why not.
I searched “Peter Molyneux NFT” because my first thought was, if any of them are on the NFT grift it’ll be him.
Me: I wonder what Will Wright is up to these days?
At GalaVerse on December 11, 2021, Wright announced a new project, in partnership with Gala Games, called VoxVerse. Wright said VoxVerse will be a blockchain game, where players will be able to create areas to explore and interact with and share these with other players of the game, incentivizing creators through the ability to trade or sell their works as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using cryptocurrency. Wright stated that the use of blockchain and NFTs are mechanisms needed to support the vision he has, but has no interest in selling NFTs directly to players as other blockchain games or NFT schemes have had done in the past.
Me: oh.
The laptop is a little faster, and this way I can still play games on the Steam Deck while the installer runs on that lol
Yeah same here, I just install on my laptop using Lutris and then copy the installed folder over to the Steam Deck and add the main .exe as a non-Steam game. (And turn wifi off just to be safe.) Always worked fine for me so far.
Yeah my Kobo is great. Plays nicely with Calibre and DeDRM, reads pretty much every eBook format, and doesn’t seem to be sketchy about privacy as far as I can tell.
Well, 50% of young people asked were willing to admit to their piracy lol
It’s harder to measure of course, but I wonder how that compares to the amount of sales they lose from people who just don’t bother buying the game when they find out it has Denuvo? I know I recently lost all interest in two games (Civ VII and Kingdom Come: Deliverance II) when I found out they were launching with Denuvo and I assume I’m not the only person who does that.
If it does work, does that then mean they’ve effectively declared torrenting to be legal? Or at least as long as you claim not to have seeded?