And propaganda. LOTS of propaganda.
And propaganda. LOTS of propaganda.
Only because he fucked up and went after the Mouse lol
Mouse will fuck you up
Companies don’t want fascism, they just want tax breaks. Civil war and dictatorships are bad for business.
I disagree with your conclusion that either money makes you depressed or everyone is always depressed.
$250,000 is the FDIC limit for insurance.
Ohhhh that makes sense. Programming words. Thanks, I didn’t register it
I’m on the website.
No I mean why are some of your words different colors
Sorry bro, she ain’t got no alibi
Hey, OP might be old. There’s some of us around.
What the fuck happened to your formatting
Did you know that most people are not developers, and for many other use cases “master” does in fact imply control?
Edit: I guess not
We had one guy at work like this. He was laughed out of the meeting.
My family did the giant ridiculous breakfast once a month or so and it was incredible. We’d all help cook, and we’d expand the dining room table, and then just eat until we passed out in a food coma. Bacon, sausage, endless pancakes and waffles, biscuits and gravy, giant vat of scrambled eggs, toast and butter and jam mmmm
Welcome to the internet!
The cost is that you deplete the aquifer. Generally speaking, water pumped out of the ground doesn’t replenish (except on geologic time scales). That’s what I meant by the fossil fuel comparison. It’s not like taking water from a stream or a lake replenished by snowmelt. Once that aquifer is dry, it’s dry, and the land becomes dead.
Only the chosen few businesses, and entirely at the whims of the dictator. Your CEO pisses off the leader, your business goes bye bye.