Some companies have a reputation for shipping shit and never fixing it.
Others ship shit and then polish that turd until it shines.
I do firmly believe this is one of the former.
Some companies have a reputation for shipping shit and never fixing it.
Others ship shit and then polish that turd until it shines.
I do firmly believe this is one of the former.
Wait, so I can just damage other people’s property?!
Could I interest you in some diagonal bracing today?
Then software engineers harness that evil in mazes of their own.
At least that’s what the code I’ve read looks like.
Steam has DRM for Steam games. You can add any other game to Steam and ask Steam to attach Proton to it.
Thank you for the reply.
I’m just getting into these things. And immutability seems like a double edged sword.
I just started using Bazzite. It’s my second attempt at a Linux gaming setup (Pop_OS was first, Bazzite is working out much better).
What made you lean away from Bazzite, if you don’t mind expanding on that?
It sounds like you want something a little more arcadey than realistic.
If I were you (and multiplayer sounded like a good time) I would legit consider something in the Battlefield series.
Arma 3 has a bunch of land sea and air vehicles and a lively modding community creating missions for you to play solo or multiplayer.
Hashmaps are just arrays with notions. Sets are just hashmaps with doormen.
You can lose rights to your IP if you don’t take steps to enforce it.
There is no universe where Nintendo are not going to clamp down on this kind of thing.
Rightly or wrongly. They’ve been doing it for years so I don’t get why anyone is surprised it’s happening now.
For the first part, I’m sure the furniture was made in the USA, explaining it’s shoddy construction. Secondly, Homer has a built-in football helmet. You could wallop him all day with a surgical 2x4.
buh muh fare youse!
In b4 Super Earth now sees the Helldivers as a threat, and tries to Order 66 them. Flipping the map inside out as now players need to fight their way inwards towards Earth.
If we shoot for a much more primitive printer, we’re pretty close.
Something that uses a pen or quill to draw on an unmoving sheet of paper. Kind of like how CNC routers are set up. The gantry moves along the full length and width of the paper.
After that, you can print everything outside the electronics and the quill. Right?
Edgar Suit. The guy’s name was Edgar, the bug wore his skin like a suit. Edgar Suit.
Every service that is necessary for human survival should have a not-for-profit vendor.
I got a X570 board with the really loud fan.
Would you prefer:
“Firefox Updater
This app is preventing shutdown”
Pfft. Amateur. I have a grandfathered license from back when it was $100 one-time payment.
Let’s me install on up to 5 machines at the same time