But you’re so desperate and needy.
But you’re so desperate and needy.
I’m sorry that you don’t have any life but trolling on the interwebs.
Go touch grass.
Thanks for proving my point.
You should keep posting emojis. It’s probably the most useful thing you’ll ever do.
Do you have an actual plan?
Until you have a workable plan, just be quiet.
Along with his many other great accomplishments, he created homelessness in America.
Before he became California Governor, the state had a great mental health system. Plenty of beds for those who were unable to self care. Ronnie cut those beds and suddenly there were undomiciled folks wandering the streets. That meant the cops and prisons had to get more money to deal with the problem.
It worked so well that as soon as he was President he did it again.
Do you have an actual plan?
Because screaming ‘BotH sidES aRe The SAme’ has worked so well to prevent Trump from getting elected twice.
Obama couldn’t get Gitmo closed. How many of those programs did he originate, and how many were passed by the Congress and he didn’t veto them?
He was hamstrung by the GOP and conservative Dems.
The answer is a veto proof progressive Dem majority, not more ‘checks and balances.’
Remember, ignorance is compliance.
You can’t pretend it isn’t happening.
I’d love to be able to tune it out, but that’s what they want.
Ignorance is compliance.
Don’t ever think you can’t change it.
Audrey Hepburn was a teenager when the Nazis invaded.
She could only dance, but that’s what she did.
There’s always a way to fight.
Read up on the Cronkite Era and the Fairness Doctrine.
Companies could only own one TV/radio [AM and FM] station in each town, plus you had a couple of newspapers in even small places. When Reagan came in he started the trend to ‘deregulate’ the media.
Trump is using a technique called ‘The Gish Gallop.’
Obama wanted to pass the ACA and the GOP managed to block it for almost two years because Obama kept talking about that one thing.
Trump is breaking rules left and right; plus screaming about crazy ideas like buying Greenland.
There is so much stuff going on that normal minds just want to shut down to get some peace and quiet.
Forsooth, varlet! Know’st thou not that English is a living language, given to all the spurts and changes of a growing youth? Fie, sir, I bite my thumb at thee.
Some grammar purists will argue that “enshitification” has an exact meaning.
Try this story about ‘intelligence’
The apes figured out how to make tools out of stone. They knew how to make fire and knew which plants they could and couldn’t eat. People today aren’t smarter than their ancestors because they have access to sophisticated tech.
The only person who tried to talk to you when you had headphones on was your grandmother. The rest of the family gave up on you long ago.
Silverberg’s Law states that 90% of everything is crap.
We tend to ignore the lousy stuff and focus on the great things.
Also, a lot of them were actually funny and creative.
So, you’re planning to get your new system in place on a national level in 24 months, with Trump in charge?
Maybe you should focus on what’s happening at this moment and not on what you might be able to accomplish decades down the road.