Too many people have Dancing With The Stars and Doritos and aren’t willing to sacrifice that to stop a fascist takeover. Little do they know that by the time they lose those things, it’ll be too late. And under the best case scenario that the fascist regime is overthrown after a few years and a ton of bloodshed, they’ll then spend the rest of their lives living in a society being rebuilt and economically broken, assuming they’re still alive.
Idiot humans that can’t learn from history that’s within living memory. Blow right past all the opportunities to avoid an awful future without shedding any blood. This November was probably the last opportunity for that.
Just here to remind everyone that this includes nukes.
Donald Trump backed us out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, making it much more likely for Iran to develop nukes. And now that Trump will most likely abandon Ukraine, Europe will be looking to increase their nuclear arsenal as a deterrent against Russia.
So there’s about to be a whole lot more nukes in a much more volatile world.
All thanks to an anti-democratic felon rapist who America can’t seem to put in the rear-view mirror. Great country!!!