More game devs should be like the devs of Marvel Rivals when it comes to emulation
Fediverse is worse than Reddit. Mod abuse, admin abuse, disinformation, and people simping for literal terrorists.
More game devs should be like the devs of Marvel Rivals when it comes to emulation
Wine Is Not an Emulator.
Assuming the new app doesn’t suck. Vortex was pretty shitty even on Windows. Manual modding is trash because it is impossible to keep track of your mods (unless you’re a very casual modder with only a handful of mods), which means eventually you just have to nuke the whole folder and start fresh. That’s why you want to use a proper mod organizer.
Interesting, and fairly new it seems. Vortex & MO2 kept breaking for me so I kinda stopped bothering with Bethesda games.
You’re missing out greatly then because most good mods won’t be on the workshop at all.
Arguably the handheld market is also much more of a niche in comparison to a gaming desktop. In the broader context of the size of the platform the Deck is doing pretty good.
Lost interest the moment I saw that archery is still just a different kind of spellcaster.
Maybe try the AMD proprietary drivers
Not gonna happen, especially not for one title.
You probably want to get the new installer working. Try installing Edge WebView via Protontricks before running the installer.
Protontricks is for Proton games. And without installing the game / launcher I would not have a prefix to install this to anyway?
My guess is that the older version of the game is using a really old version of direct X or OpenGL that your drivers aren’t handling well. The newer version, being updated for Windows 10/11, should work just fine by contrast.
I think you’re confused. The game does not differentiate between the two launchers. It’s the same game regardless of which launcher you choose. Launchers are merely for downloading & updating games. I don’t know whether it uses DirectX or OpenGL but I know it uses Unreal Engine 2.5.
What distro do you use? What Desktop environment? X11 or Wayland? What’s your GPU? Which drivers do you use for it?
Bazzite, KDE, Wayland, 6650 XT, Kernel version 6.11.
I said that I tried to run it through Wine-GE, which requires something like Lutris. But what difference would it make anyway? It still installs through Wine. Also, the previous commenter did not talk about Lutris, but was referencing the two installers. Which, as I already said, there’s only two - the old and the new one, which I both referenced accordingly.
So I did my due diligence in providing information, then get called out for not providing information about the things that I already did provide. That’s just bitching for the sake of it at this point and completely unhelpful. If you need more information then tell me what type of info you need, instead of listing something that I clearly already mentioned.
There are only two launchers to choose from, so I’m not sure how much more specific you want me to be? lol
And I obviously installed them through Lutris & WINE in their standard folders. Not sure how else I’m supposed to do it.
When you’re trying to help, try to actually know something about the topic so you aren’t just giving empty advice.
It’s not telling me a secret, it’s telling me that I’m doing something wrong and that I need to use CRT shaders, which are both wrong presumptions made to make me click on the video to find out why. Whether to use a CRT filter or other things like scanlines is completely subjective and up to a users preferences. There’s nothing wrong with sharp pixels over blurry pixels.
No and no. Clickbait bullshit.
Steam’s year in review. Seems to be down at the moment though.
My problem is that I’m absolutely not interested in a story driven wannabe city sim. Same issue I had with that space station game. It just turns those games into a puzzle game that you need to solve in order for you to reach its end, but that’s absolutely not why I play games like this. I’d be way more interested in Frostpunk if it was an open ended game that focuses more on its building and simulation instead of a story. Be more dynamic and varied. We saw very successful survival based city builders like Banished before. Granted, Banished was also fairly simple, but that was also afaik a one man project - and despite that still managed to gain a lot of popularity and replay value. Of course the community making mods helped with that too.
I think the devs here just fell into the “more of the same” trap with their game.
For BG3 I kinda hope to see some more persistent & dynamic open world stuff too from the modders, now that the mod tools are kinda unlocked to their full potential.
They already look ugly as fuck.
It’s immutable too, no?
It’s a nightmare for highly modded games as well because the updates break your entire setup, which is a lot of work and time required to actually fix. I’d love for an option to manually decide to update. Then people could wait until all their mods are also updated and for when they themselves have enough time & muse to go through the updating process.
TIL people still burn their isos… Just use an USB stick. lol
This is kind of par for the course for LTT. They somehow go the dumbest route in doing things and then wonder why things don’t work or break. I’d argue that most of the gaming related immutable distros should provide a decent out of the box experience, simply because that’s what they’re supposed to do. Maybe not quite as streamlined and fancy looking as SteamOS but functionality wise it should be fine and even more functional / flexible. Though, I’m sure he’ll then cry about additional ways to install things that are too complicated, like Distrobox, ignoring his own advice of just sticking to app stores like Discover, which somehow is only valid for SteamOS.