You kids have it so easy.
Now you can literally ask your phone “hey what is this song” and hum your earworm and Google just tells you the song. (Default function on at least Android Google Assistant for like years now)
Imagine getting a song stuck in your head on you way to work/school but it’s playing on the radio and you didn’t catch the host saying the name of the song.
And you don’t really even know what they we’re saying and can’t imitate the song to sing it to anyone to ask what it is without going all misheard lyrics. Which you might have to do.
Or just listen an hour longer and if it’s a hit they play it again. And then you can record it on a cassette to play it for yourself.
How do you perceive any charisma from that chinless baldy? :D
(edit not to diss anyone both can be attractive and looks are just looks, but on him, no)
True enough.
Ever thought about how those work in the womb? They’re not hard to begin with and covered with a “capsule” (which is the same thing biologically we have at the base of the nail; the eponychium is the thickened layer of skin at the base of the fingernails and toenails. It can also be called the medial or proximal nail fold.
Teeth aren’t actually bone, technically, afaik.
Also I notice I start all my comments with “I mean…” and it’s kinda futile.
(I had a glass of wine for breakfast.)
Where’d you get my selfie from?
I mean… evolution can “repurpose” things. So the thing it was before isn’t needed and it’s capacity to do what it did is greatly diminished. Ie we couldn’t claw food or earth really even, so our nails would not qualify as claws as much as they once must have been similar to what rodents have.
I do take your point though, as in “vestigial” referring to an organ or a part of anatomy which hasn’t got a purpose. And nails still serve purposes that claws might as well, like prying open nuts or some such basic stuff.
But if we discard the manipulation abilities we have on our forelimbs and only consider toenails, what then? Would you consider toenails vestigial claws?
My ancestor must have suffered from some sort of scale baldness, as I congenitally lack 4 permanent teeth. We don’t suffer from actual baldness though, luckily.
Me neither.
I mean… nails on our hands definitely have a function, yes. But they only serve those functions because they’re not proper claws. If we actually had claws, we wouldn’t manage such fine manipulation.
I think that’s more like a happy accident though. I was more thinking about toenails. My late father’s (RIP stubborn bastard) nails definitely were closer to claws than nails.
And that made me think of elephant toes. Did you know elephants are basically tiptoeing all the time, btw? It just very much doesn’t look like it.
If it’s floating, it has too much fat in it, so it’s not the product of anyone with an especially healthy poop.
Fecal transplants have actually surprising potential.
But yeah there’s a lot of dangerous pathogens as well.
I have like a huge pile of letters from some twat lawyers sending threatening letters about copyright.
The sad thing is most people I asked say “I would pay”. This was like more than 10 years ago when I first got some of them.
The Pirate Party in Finland tried informing people of them being just threats, but Finns are really complicit people and afraid of breaking any rules, so I’m sure these twat lawyers made thousand, tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands. With Finland’s tiny 5m population.
Basically what happens is some company in Germany which owns the rights to some B-class show or just a porn film even, then they upload it to an open torrent site. Wait for people to download it (remember the didn’t give permission to download it), look at the IP’s, then send the respective country in EU a request for the ISP to get that IP owner’s information and then hire a local lawyer to send them a threatening letter; “you’ve illegally downloaded a porn movie, pay us 800€ or we’ll take you to court and you’ll have to pay tens of thousands.”
And if that goes to someone married or someone who downloaded fetish porn or something, they’ll be even more likely to pay.
I never replied or did jack shit. Nothing has happened.
( . )( . )
) . (
( * )
edit I can’t get the line formattin right but you get the gist
I’ll bet younger people have never thought about what that thing is even supposed to be.
Oh cmon.
Yes, this supposedly (according to some meme) happened with the save symbol, because a floppy is actually something a lot of today’s people have never seen or touched.
That sort of a handset for a telephone though? Do you think they haven’t seen shows or movies? Never saw a playset with a very classic model plastic phones?
They just call it “interrogation.”
(I just felt I had to add the “dark universe” because here in ours he’s comparatively pretty fucking alright when compared to the current leadership of the states. I criticised the US government back in his day as well, but the president isn’t a magical dictator and the longer it goes the more I miss him.)
If you say “Gitmo Bay” three times in the mirror, a dark universe Obama appears and snatches you.
Also, a very common one.
“Blew a raspberry.”
Raspberry tart, fart.
The cops don’t like when you point out how intelligent they are (or aren’t really)?
I am shocked
That’d be AR not VR