The fact that it’s Nintendo’s IP seems the key thing here.
So did Nintendo get Valve to do this, or is Valve just covering its back from the notoriously-litigious Nintendo?
It’s nice here, but a bit under-federated. Other @Deebster
s are available.
The fact that it’s Nintendo’s IP seems the key thing here.
So did Nintendo get Valve to do this, or is Valve just covering its back from the notoriously-litigious Nintendo?
Ah, ok, that makes more sense. That also solves any ordering problem if you, say, you’re running local and elsewhere commands and a sync means pressing up gives you an unexpected item.
Sync seems like it’s going to be more pain than its worth unless you have all your machines configured the same. I’m not even running the same distros between machines…
False dichotomy (or is your logical fallacy the slippery slope? Anyway…) Someone saying that what’s happening to Palestinians is wrong does not mean they’re saying they want all Israelis killed.
Arguably, the fix should be to “it” since anon is a utility account, not a user.