I don’t think you’d have prostitution in a currencyless society. They wouldn’t be prostitutes at that point.
I don’t think you’d have prostitution in a currencyless society. They wouldn’t be prostitutes at that point.
I didn’t realize you could put the steam deck to sleep with a game still running. I had assumed it would cause game issues.
Noita is way too hard for me. I finally managed to beat the “tutorial” and that was good enough for me.
The houses are so close together and have so little yard I don’t see why they didn’t just turn them into townhouses.
I’ll sometimes tag Lemmy communities in my mastodon posts. The only thing I dislike about it is how Lemmy displays tags in the post title. There’s got to be some way to fix it so it’s not so off-putting.
I imagine he’s like Ghost Rider and can tell with a glance if someone is guilty or not by seeing their soul. If the entity has a soul, then he knows. Goldfish? Probably not. Sapient reindeer? Definitely.
You could also do 6*50 and then divide by 100.
My favorite analogy is: You don’t have to choose what’s for dinner, but you’re going to be forced to eat whatever was chosen.
Ever since I was old enough, I’ve voted in every single election I was eligible for. I don’t care what people say or how unlikely it was for my candidate to win, I would still get out and vote.
Chaotic neutral isn’t that bad when you’re doing programming since the extra vertical space is really convenient.
I’ve been lawful neutral ever since the pandemic forced work from home.
I have similar feelings regarding all the RGB lighting on computer hardware. I have to drape a towel over my mouse just so I can sleep in peace.
I’m really bad with this in games. I even hoarded iron back when I still played Minecraft simply because it was a resource I couldn’t infinitely produce.
Cobblestone generator = use only cobblestone tools
What I find surprising is that this is done by hand. I would have assumed it would be some assembly line process.
When I first played Morrowind, I was quite surprised when people took offense to me robbing them of all they owned. Now when I play games I’m never sure if theft is a crime or not.
I don’t know how relevant this is to you but I was looking at getting a Boox since it would easily let me read my Kindle and Kobo books on a single device without any hassle. However, it achieves this by running their apps so the books are segregated. There’s no one library with all your books. Your Kindle books are only on the Kindle app, your Kobo books are only on the Kobo app, your library books are only on the Libby app.
It sounded really tedious to have to flip between a bunch of different apps to track all my books so I decided to just stick with Kobo.