As long as they got that copy and paste terminal code barrier of entry web dev is safe
As long as they got that copy and paste terminal code barrier of entry web dev is safe
Its just wrong too often, I use it when all else fails or if im really lazy on basic basic stuff like editing a template sometimes feels easier to answer questions vs clicking through
Didnt feel good, tried it first
Went with cachy, works well.
On kde I can have a bottom bar plus a top bar that is only in the middle not the edges, I like the notch look, only way I can get a top bar in gnome is slightly notched it still goes all the way to the edge. Or I can have no bottom bar and then I can have the top bar centered using gnome to panel, but I like having both. Its just annoying to get exactly right unlike kde, but has more extensions I like right now. Idk, im having issues with extensions not working after reboot, like arcmenu, which i need for gnome to be usable, so far now ive swapped back to plasma.
Yeah. I had a perfect gnome setup for myself, but then arc menu stopped working with dock to panel randomly and now wont turn on. No idea how to uninstall it.
The real hard part of linux is decision. I’m indecisive af so deciding a distro and then a de took forever. I’m still going back and forth on gnome and plasma. My only issue with gnome is I cant seem to get my top bar centered (cant find extensions) and only in the middle which was easy on plasma.
Not sure how to find filesharing irc networks
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Kinda wish I fully commited, but I can run my windows programs/games off my windows partition fairly easily, so I don’t need to open it to access that data (thought this would be impossible for some reason). I was suprised that embergen worked and seemed to run as well as it does on my windows drive.
In my two days with linux ive come to really like it, im annoyed at myself for staying with windows for so long and not even trying it. (Cachyos) I prefer everything about gnome and plasma to windows right now. I was just dealing with their garbage ui and random updates for no reason. Its nice having some control.
Stremio grab every addon, configure em all for realdebrid, gets most obscure things, sometimes you gotta wait a day or two for rd to dload really obscure stuff (itll tell you torrent is dloading to rd) I found some random old movies I didn’t expect to be there.
Like, if it was hard id get it, but it was easy af to set up? I prob spent more time tinkering with windows before my games would work lol. My gpu kept installing old drivers that couldnt update and I had tons of issues that I got used to. Relatively, cachyos has just worked with no issues, its crazy.
I dont understand what the setup issue is, I have everything I need running fine, going back and forth between hyprland (the 2nd most popular preconfiged version) and plasma. Windows is boring and I want better performance for rendering, arch (cahcyos) I seem to get great perfomance so far idling barely uses any resources and most obvious is I can open like 200 tabs without issue while any browser on windows lagged after 10.
Cachyos does have a gui for setup and its easy to use gparted from the install os or whatever the usb versions called. That was my only issue having to manually partition because auto didnt work, but i just followed the same steps, was pretty intuitve. Arch itself looks maybe annoying to setup, but through cachyos or endeavor it seems to be the move for perfomance and compatibility. Or Bazzite, I do want to be able to run games without tinkering and I ran some steam games off windows on my external ssd eithout issue.
I use a tachiyomi fork yokai
Forget performance, im more worried about compatibility and having the right drivers, cachyos seems to take care of a lot of that grabbing programs, dependencies I wouldn’t think to grab being new to linux, seems to save me from a lot of researching, i could be wrong and the implication they are giving could be throwing me off, endeavor would be the alternative I go for. I dont like ubuntus proprietary format.
Ill look into endeavor, I don’t think performance is going to be an issue with any linux os since it idles using less resources and AMD seems to have better support consistently than amd. Whats your process in switching distros? Seems annoying to remember all the settings for customizing the de and all the apps ive downloaded, ive already forgotten. Do you just keep a list of whatevers important?
im glad i got a normal tablet over an ereader, s9fe surprisingly is fire (i read comic books mostly), relatively cheap tablets are solid now, too big at 11 inches to one hand comfortably but better for video so ill make the sacrifice. Expected cheaper tablets to be garbage since my only experience was like a decade ago, now they’re all pretty good, the lenovo ones are better/cheaper off aliexpress and have usable nits (brightness) compared to the us models.
Well whats the point of swapping to linux if not to learn random shit, I get good performance on windows I mostly just want a lot of customization over my UI and any performance boost is a bonus, if it breaks I always have my windows partition, don’t think I’ll ever fully commit, I like having the windows option at most ill shrink the windows ssd down to like 256gb-500gb but always have it there just in case I need something that just works (with software meant for it). I want the most custom visuals and app stores for plugins, widgets, themes, etc. whatever desktop environment and distro has the most support for that. It seems like they all pretty much support the same stuff tho.
I want to tweak visuals but idrc about tweaking internal settings.
They done took my book telegram