The franglais in me screams that neufant ought to be acceptable. I’m sure Canadians are saying it, who knows what language they really speak.
The franglais in me screams that neufant ought to be acceptable. I’m sure Canadians are saying it, who knows what language they really speak.
Franglais is my language of choice after several drinks in any French speaking country. I am from Jersey, New, so it’s the best I can do with my education.
That is news to me. Never thought to dig too deeply into my French studies in middle and high school (two decades ago), and so “apple of the earth” was just appropriate. Like, yeah, why wouldn’t it be apple of the earth?
I’ve talked for years with friends of mine about MLB+Steroids+Aluminum Bats. I want to see someone hit two 700ft homers in a night.
Wait, you can secure SSDs and not just kinda push em in there?!
I look slightly above their eyes, at the forehead or even as high as their hairline. I do not break contact with their upper face.
I swear people in on Zoom to testify and for some reason I took to looking at the camera because it perhaps makes it more official, since I assume they’re looking at me. I dunno. Life is one big joke.
This is pretty interesting. Can’t wait to do 3 minutes of “research” and completely forget about it.
1989 Dodge Caravan came in stick with a turbo. Thing was awesome, soccer mom’s tossing kids out doing 0-60 in 8 seconds.
What happens when a hyphen is used in a movie title? I think that’s frequent enough, versus an underscore or a period.
Gotta hit shift though. Period, ezpz.
You’ve flown or you’ve flown in? Presumable the former, but I know people from where I’m from use flown to mean flown in. If you’ve only been airborne three times, and all in separate crafts, that’s something special in and of itself.