You’re not going to stop them from getting worse, and nothing the rest of us do can either, short of overthrowing the companies, and ending capitalism. Something that ultimately isn’t likely to happen any time soon. What you’re forgetting here is that when I say companies use abuse as an excuse I really mean the excuse part. They’ll say it’s happening even if it’s not significant, and they’ll say it’s happening even if it isn’t happening at all. If they get tired of the courtesy and want to go back to making more money they’ll lie and say they’re ending it because of abuse and people who do blame pirates will eat that excuse up even if it’s a lie and begin attacking pirates for it, like they always do. Do you see it yet?
Companies like Valve and Nintendo are absolutely aware of piracy and exploits in their systems, to assume they are not is extremely naive, and is one of the basis for people blaming pirates. The ignorant and incorrect idea that they don’t know and that piracy being popular makes them aware is the primary reason for hostility and gatekeeping in the piracy community. Ironically it actually hurts preservation efforts by making content less available to people.
That’s not really a thing either, if it were they’d ignore piracy almost completely and let people just buy games as they normally do, it’s cheaper and easier for them to do nothing, rather than waste money with copyright trolling. So this really isn’t a good argument.
I’ve explained how their reactions to ““abuse”” are largely an excuse already so I’ll just say this. It isn’t worth it to try and play 4D chess with companies like this because at the end of the day they’re cheating at it. Even if you were able to get no one to use any kind of exploit in Family sharing or similar courtesy projects these companies do to foster goodwill, you’d find that in the end they would still choose to discontinue or neuter it because of ““abuse”” and that people will be said that “people abusing it ruin it for everyone” because that fostering of goodwill does wonders fro boosting credibility and getting people to believe their greed motivated lies.