I used to play this game with Google translate when it was newish
I used to play this game with Google translate when it was newish
Nah my death wish is too passive
Pursue a particle physics degree
Source: I’ve been at my masters thesis for two years please kill me
I never would’ve gotten that!
Ha, neat!
Can you please explain? I’ve never used Mac and it’s been a long time since I’ve properly used windows.
You don’t need to know what they consider active, just give them a toggle so they can decide.
So is cheese flavoured popcorn a grilled cheese sandwich to you? The ingredients alone don’t make a dish, the method of preparation matters as well.
I had to bake by vibes one time because I started a recipe then realized I didn’t have eggs and the friend the cake was for is lactose intolerant. Used a can of coconut milk. Turned into brownies instead of chocolate cake, but they were good enough that I’ve been intentionally making them since.
When I was 16 I was on the bus, reading and with headphones on. A random grown up man wouldn’t stop talking to me and pestered me to give him my number. I felt pressured and gave him a fake number and then he said I was racist for not wanting to give him my real number (he wasn’t white). And for the longest time I believed him that I was in fact racially biased and felt bad, and only after a while realized I was just a teenage girl being pestered by an adult man and reacted naturally.
That’s not much consolation to everything alive today. I think the existence of life is pretty morally neutral, but the suffering were causing for the life that already exists is inexcusable.
I WOULD find that neat if the planet was uninhabitable for human life only as opposed to most life
Very true, even in a less life/death situation. Example, a piercing hurts much much more than stubbing your toe, but people, myself included, keep coming back for more of them.
I’m not even in tech. I teach maths at night school to support myself while doing my masters. Somehow I’ve become the ‘computer guy’ at my job. All the teachers and even office staff ask me to explain software to them that I myself have never even used. I need to learn to say no.
English isn’t my native language, I thought it referred to business as in office. Because other jobs definitely don’t keep those hours.
Also I was genuinely curious, id never heard of that. Everything is open at least 8-6 here. Cultural differences I guess.
Wtf kind of shop is only open for 8 hours a day, and business hours at that. I’ve never witnessed that
Potato cut into a stick as thick as a thumb and deep fried
I saw someone dip a chip in a tea cup at a bistro last week. The fact that I never found out what was in the tea cup haunts me.
How dare you. I’m a physicist, not an engineer.