Where in the US? It’s pretty common where I’m from to put shopping carts back in their corral.
Where in the US? It’s pretty common where I’m from to put shopping carts back in their corral.
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OG Nazis were bozos. They advanced people based on the shape of their face. How exactly do you think that would turn out in the long run?
Here’s Lazerpig dissecting the myth of Michael Wittmann for example.
hmmm. Lovingly made indie game vs AAA slop made on a crunch? At least with the indie games I play, even the quasi EA stuff, is stable as hell.
They really need to update that to twinks wearing programmer socks.
Not software, one my the reasons I dropped The Flash tv series was the speed at which the “techie” created new tech that would win anyone several noble prizes.
Helldivers 2 has Sony fuckery involved. I was considering getting it when I upgraded my machine, but not after the login nonsense.
Seems like more effort goes into breaking good UX design now.
And I haven’t seen good, modern user design.
The fact the Forklift Operators are paid less then UX Designers is a crime against humanity.
I actually have both installed, but I like how I can have different services with Grayjay.
I just use Grayjay for youtube.
Yeah, I try not to install apps from major companies and use 3rd party when possible. I always just assume that those are tracking you even if they say they aren’t
Which apps do that? None of mind have suggested anything.
Because FUCK YOU. That’s why.
Car companies want you to go back to the dealership to have codes read. They had to be sued into releasing the code’s meanings so independent shops and owners could do their own repairs.
Even though most car owners are knuckle draggers who don’t understand oil changes or air filter changes, they don’t want to make it any easier to do repairs outside of dealerships. I know someone who swears by dealerships and was very confused when I asked if he ever changed the air filter to improve fuel economy. For some reason, he thought his car didn’t have one.
I really wondering if the detectives in charge of the investigation are bring their A-game or if maybe they have a loved one who was denied coverage.
I think they’re talking about Cruella, a movie where the “heroine” would eventually go on to want to kill and skin puppies. There’s also Maleficent, but I don’t know enough about that one to comment.
I also think there’s a lot of Hollywood heroes that are really villains and the movie is just reflecting the author’s fucked up world view. The Kingsman is a good example. Can we stop writing environmentalists as villains?
In a lot of stories, due process isn’t something that comes up because of time constants and scope of the villain’s ambitions, but there’s something wrong in the writer’s room for The Flash TV series. Agents of Shield would eventually deal with super nazis and alien invaders, but Flash was dealing with bank robbers and locking them up in their secret prison.
You know something that often gets overlooked about bigoted “humor”, is how predicable and tiring it it. Even if it wasn’t inherently offensive, it’s not funny.
I’ll take your work on Issaquah being affluent and blame it on that and LA is just LA.