But the word black is used so clearly it’s racist, right? How can we be woke if we don’t randomly ban words because of their alternate meanings?
But the word black is used so clearly it’s racist, right? How can we be woke if we don’t randomly ban words because of their alternate meanings?
I have a friend that works at Salesforce, he told me that they made him change the name of some classes that used the term Blacklist because of inclusivity
Aren’t user agents just a plain text header? Couldn’t a malicious agent just spoof a legitimate one?
What is the simbol supposed to be originally?
But they promised we could save a ton of money with their monitoring dashboards we won’t look at until suddenly we get a bill that is 5x what they promised!
Visa has a hard limit of 8 and requires the first 4 to be numbers because the phone tree might require it as a password
The whole banking industry is ridiculous and is ridiculously legislated
Aren’t captchas used to better train AIs to be able to recognize stuff?
100% there are a lot of indie games worth trying
Sadly most of them are in early access and never get finished but they’re still fun
What you’re proposing is literally time zones but without shifting the actual clock, you still end up with all the issues and you remove the link between the hour of day and the sun’s position for people lol
Plus who gets to decide that everyone switches over and what is the new global time?
“oh nice we’re also having issues with random packets being dropped, can you look into that? It’s business critical”
You’re aware this is a piracy sub right?
I also wanted to upload a piece of software that is nowhere in the internet but couldn’t find a popular site that would let me either
Hell I got banned from the tpb forums for asking if someone with an account would be kind enough to upload it
How much weight did you put on
Yeah seriously, if you’re pirating the DLC you might as well pirate the entire game
That last part, that’s what sandboxie is for
Well the no CD patch is usually a crack for the game so yeah it kinda makes sense that antivirus software would identify it as such. Most of the time windows even identifies the “threat” as a keygen or a crack after deleting it.
It’s pretty normal in the world of piracy
Is the name of your girlfriend mickey by any chance?
750$ worth of dlcs that should had been features from the start anyone?
Is sitting down and understanding the code in the PR not an option?