I said computers
I said computers
I too oppose animals testing computers. They have no clue what they’re doing
Mary Shelley’s Frankentstein is noted to be the future sci-fi story. Mary at the time was dealing with grief of the death of her husband. That’s all I’m saying
Modern sci-fi was created by an extremely depressed widow that only thought about the social and scientific repercussions of bringing her husband back from the dead and put it in the form of literature. And appreciation for Sci Fi has been around for a very long time. Nosferatur, The Haunting, House on Haunted Hill, The Blob, The Day The Earth Stood Still, War Of The World’s, etc…
This seems pretty volatile
(Also I’m responding this while listening to "She Blinded Me With Science)
NGL. I’d fucking love a Snickers rn
I did not forget about them, but I felt I gave enough examples to where I drove my point home
Don’t care. The original post was about the 90s. Bye
Funny you mention that. When I saw the comment, I was listening to the Fallout Boy version
However, this apparently isn’t a stand-alone incident
I think “bizarre” would be more fitting
What? The Rodeny King beating and subsequent riots, OJ Simpson murdering 2 people, Columbine, the first time the WTC was bombed, 1500 people died near Mecca, and like 3 civil wars in Africa
I need to see your justification for this conclusion
The problem is that genies or djinns were believed to be mischievous. If you took too long for a wish, then they would cause trouble for you. They were also known to be very manipulative in convincing to make a quick and sudden wish without proper thought. Imagine you’re at a fast food restaurant, in the queue, but can’t decide what you want. The hungry people behind you are rushing you, the cashier is rushing you, and you eventually freak out and just order something random even though you know what you picked you might not enjoy. That’s a genies goal in most mythos
The people who think you’re just referring to Russia make me laugh. Talk about one track minds