My 2017 Shield pro is starting to die and I’m dreading getting another TV box. Anyone have good experience with LibreElec or a similar distro? I am thinking of getting some sub $100 USFF from eBay
My 2017 Shield pro is starting to die and I’m dreading getting another TV box. Anyone have good experience with LibreElec or a similar distro? I am thinking of getting some sub $100 USFF from eBay
Final Crisis had some of this with Thought Robot superman. Iirc they included 3D glasses so you could see Superman reach out to you in our realm one he gained concession of us. Check out some other Grant Morrison works for trippy meta fiction (pls read Animal Man)
And the first thing he did in the 3D world was go to an erotic bakery. I always thought it was a dumb throwaway joke but after thinking about it, that would be a fun first experience in the 3D world
“I’ll add this to our knowledge base and other people can assist now!”
“Hey So-and-so, it looks like you our are guru at this issue, can you take a look at these 4 users who mentioned the software in their ticket?”
I just need to make progress on my projects, stop giving me desktop tickets pls :)
Toss in some bidets, a squatty potty and baby you got a stew going.
Turn on reader, then Menu > Print > select printer “print to PDF”
Same, hopped from PF to opn last year and really haven’t had to do too much besides updates. For somethings E
What would be the difference of running this as opposed to pf/opnsense? I know they use FreeBSD but I am not that versed in BSD based networking
Gotta point out, that meme template has been around before then.
Don’t give them ideas (even though it’s probably already in the pipeline)
I believe I would be fine on the network part, I am just guessing writing them to an SSD cache drive on my NAS would be fine? Im currently writing to the SSD and have a move script run twice a day to the HDDs
So dual NIC on each device and set up another lan on my router? Sorry it seems like a dumb question but just want to make sure.
E1M1 started playing in my head looking at that
Oh shit new Phantom Troupe dropped?
Based has been around for 10+ years. So weird hearing people say it again
I sleep with my arms under the pillow. The other side is always warmer and it makes me mad I can’t experience this
Some of us are trying but it sucks ass.
I’m lucky enough to be able to afford my own car/transportation but I worked at a FedEx Warehouse years ago where most people took the bus. Right around the time I was leaving, they were moving the branch 5 minutes down the road, but across a bridge to another jurisdiction. Busses from the city don’t run there because it always gets shot down that it will “cause crime”. The country busses aren’t that good, but at least it takes people to their jobs. I remember most people were freaking out and planning car pools from the bus stop to the new location. I haven’t talked to a lot of people since then, but the few I have seemed to find new jobs.
Check out !antiquememesroadshow@lemmy.world if you want to feel old. I’m going to turn 30 next year and most of them are too new for me.
I need to know if there are hot single moms in my area!