My old Glaive is supported:
- https://openrgb.org/devices.html?search=Corsair As is my old K70 Pro Mk II keyboard. 🙃
I cooked food for 20 years. Now I build computers and dive down Linux 🐇 🕳️s on a personal learning journey.
Fibromyalgia sucks! Existence is pain and resistance is futile. Thanks for noticing me.
Bazzite🎮Gamer👾Linux Nerd https://bazzite.gg
My old Glaive is supported:
Vanadium being a GrapheneOS user.
Me still using Premiumize.
w/36 month subscription
Seren/Otaku fed into TMDb add-on w/Arctic Fuze skin ✅
I 🎮 on Bazzite myself.
Pets his 7900XTX
Also checkout Project Bluefin and Aurora too.
Chromebook easy 🐧. ✌️
I even used to maintain a Gist: “Universal Blue Kinoite or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Immutable Linux Desktop & Flatpaks” but now I just turn my computer on and use it and off when done…crazy 🤯.
And I use Enhancer for YouTube™ on desktop Firefox on my Bazzite PC.
And Tubular on my Android phone.
Fu FDEV give me planet settlement building or space station building on elite already dammit.
Three DS5, all 3 left stick drifted. One left stick pad actually degraded-melty style too.
Anyway yay for Best Buy extended plan, worth the $ for no frills exchanges.
Bought my purple one on sale last August, it drifted to death second week of July.
I just exchanged up to the Edge now… Here’s hoping I don’t have to use my plan again >.>
Cries in lack of Elite Dangerous II announcements
On my Pixel 8 Pro on 14/July 5 it’s still pretty limited:
I look forward to this. I really just need help enhancing green and red since for me they wash out into brown/gray 🥹.
Now for pesky lack of real life accessibility 👀.
Now fix lighthouses on/off over Bluetooth on Linux -.-
Is this because of the HD PC port recompilation posts of Majora’s Mask etc? Sigh.
I’m a rebel using proton on Lutris. Evil maniacal laughing.
I mean at least you never had a Moto X on Republic Wireless 😅.
ST:P S308
Data/B4/Lore were all partitioned in the same positronic brain that was in a “new” Data body.
And Lore and Data had an internal fight over the body.
Also you really should give Strange New Worlds a try at least.
IMO S1/2 of Picard is retconned dumpster fire for the most part. 3 was a bit redeemed/its own story Arc.
Not wrong.
Also, I was alot older than when I first watched the series…that the entire Data vs Lore monkier went right over my head…
…Even when ST:TNG S1E13
is litterly titled "Datalore"
Took season 3 of Picard for me to get it finally. 🤔🤯
I can argue my father did but did not know how he died.
Be my 62 yr old dad.
Get terminal glioblastoma diagnosis.
Brain melting…
Brain melting…
Brain melting…
Dead 12 months later exactly not knowing who or what he was/is.
Legit brain/brainstem forgets how to breathe/send heartbeat signals once the glial cells fully bloom and in the end its an off switch with extra steps.