Unfortunately Costco are on the other side of town. The Walgreens is three blocks away. 🤷♀️
Unfortunately Costco are on the other side of town. The Walgreens is three blocks away. 🤷♀️
The only reason i go to Walgreens at all is for my medication. I’d gladly go somewhere else but they strangled out the competition. It’s literally the only place that consistently has my medication.
Leo dumps girls as soon as they turn 26. It’s a thing. It’s weird. So, we make fun of it.
Is the joke that it evaporated? Or is their a double entendre here I’m missing?
Are those blueprints?
Guess that’s fair. I’m a bit on the older side so all the terms seem to change so fast I can’t keep up. I like transfemme but I do like your explanation on the space. Think I’ll write it as trans femme from now on. Cheers.
I’m transfemme and I’ve dreamed of myself as a woman for as long as I can remember.
Also what’s this “trans woman” vs “transwoman?” I’ve for real not heard that’s a problem. It’s like saying “can not” or “cannot.”
His opponents would come… dead last.
Biblically accurate Clipy.
You can not only buy houses, you can trade, participate in auctions and collect rent while in jail.
Yes. You may pay the $50 fee before rolling your first or second turn. On the third turn if you do not roll a double you must pay the $50. In any case you pay $50 at some point unless you roll doubles or use the “get out of jail free” card.
I hate when my ear decides to eat my earings.
Oh, sad days. I will totally read Snow Crash still, but I was so ready for whatever nonsensical chaos OP’s book was pitching.
I’m so in. Where do I sign up. No, for real though, what is the name of this book. I must own a copy.
96’ I was 12 and yes. This was like 80% of the kids in school. Also, I feel called out.
This can be denied at any retailer though. It’s technically defaced and should be exchanged at a bank where it will be destroyed.
This is easily verified by installing an original hard copy into a xbox one with no internet. It installs a “beta” version. You know you did it correctly when the opening scene has no over dialogue just music. Every vendor stand can be interacted with and certain models can be looked at in 3d in the menus. It’s wild to play now that we’re on 2.0.
What are you talking about? The NES was what solidified the select/start names for me. No matter what any manufacturers call the two bottoms in the center of their controller, they will always be select and start.
What things are subscription?