Now do the congress letter sent to Amazon asking to fire Dan Clancy from twitch Twitter link.
I guess it’s only cancel culture when the left do it?
Now do the congress letter sent to Amazon asking to fire Dan Clancy from twitch Twitter link.
I guess it’s only cancel culture when the left do it?
Now do congress letter to twitch about Hasan Twitter Link
Posts a meme unrelated to the community
Posts get removed
Surprised Pikachu face
July 16th is the 197th day of the year on non leap years. July 17th is the 199th day of the year on leap years.
Both of those are prime.
Our company pays for TeamViewer, and I still get nagged all the time, so there’s no point in giving them money, they still nag you all the time.
Isnt that how all social media sites start out. Starts with nerd culture and eventually other people come in later?
I live in an 800sqft home by myself. 1 bed, 1 bath. I have plenty of space.
I have a pixel 8 that doesn’t have any issues, but I can read the title that says Google’s quality control is shit. So I can understand my phone is okay and other people have problems. Even if I bought 100 pixels, my sample size would still be too small to dismiss other people’s claims.
Funnily enough, this is my first comment I’ve made about how my pixel is fine. So now I’m part of the problem :3
That’s not a perfect use case for it. That’s a central authority (venue) selling tickets to anyone who wants to buy them. But instead of using a local database and approving transfers from person to person and losing the ability to reverse transactions due to fraud, it’s hosted in the wild west of crypto.
There’s nothing stopping a venue from offering your perfect use case in a centralized system, but they outsource it to Ticketmaster (namely because Ticketmaster owns like 80% of music venues or something) so they don’t have to deal with it.
Your scenario outsources it to the block chain, who will charge gas for the transactions instead of ticketmaster charging fees.
I don’t know the value in a decentralized IP rights system. If the key holder gets phished, you can lose your rights to a TV series you’ve been working on. (Like Seth Greene)
He wouldn’t have lost it and had to pay back the ransom in a traditional contract. Having a contract centralized and enforced by the legal system has many perks and I can’t ever see how a decentralized rights platform can enforce itself.
Ah, the “I am aware I’m doing something wrong, but I’m doing it anyways” button.
but seriously, any time some one says they use the J sound, they explain by spelling it JIF. It’s just a joke though. No one cares how you pronounce it.
An example of a word where spelling it correctly doesn’t convey how to pronounce it is colonel
Garage had two Gs, both pronounced different.
Both are correct, imo. However, it’s hard to stand by that when you have to spell it JIF for people to know you are using the J variation of G.
Yeah, if we could not be 2016 election deniers, that be great.
Electoral college won’t change until Dems flip states like Texas or something to where the presidential seat is guaranteed every year.
If the DNC didn’t want Trump to win, they shouldn’t have put up Hillary. If the repubs didn’t want Biden to win, they shouldn’t have put up Trump.
Sadly, I think the DNC made a mistake in not setting up a replacement for Biden and letting him try for two terms.
Just to add some context, the statue was on private land. The decision to pull it down was by the owner.
There was a reddit post that claimed that, and it was debunked in that same reddit post. Some website made a “news” article about it, citing said reddit post. Bigger news orgs made articles about it citing that website.
There are so many “news” websites that basically don’t do any fact checking and use social media as their sources.
My other pet peeve around social media “journalism” is when someone writes an article about a hot take on a political topic and their source is some tweet with like 2 likes and retweet. Like, that’s not a radical opinion many people share, stop making it seem like this is a common sentiment amongst the left/right.
The reason stories exist of the underdog winning, is because the underdogs lose almost all the time.
Think of how common a story it is that a Walmart being built in a small town basically shutters all the local businesses.
Also, David basically brought a gun to a knife fight against Goliath. Seems like Goliath should have been considered the underdog :3