Thank you, good detective work
Thank you, good detective work
Looking for a new, non-shot phone. Can anyone ID the one on the left?
I’ll refer you to unexpctedkeg’s comment
Because the cost of the app to do that isn’t $60 a year.
Well certainly but the Brits tend to ignore that part of the UK - it’s a little uncomfortable so we just pretend that NI doesn’t exist
Eh, we don’t really use Britain. UK is more inclusive
I saw a tall man in a leather jacket in a supermarket and ran up and hugged him because all tall men in leather jackets are my dad. 5 year old me forgot that he was passed out at home from some drug/alcohol concoction so how could he be in the shop?
Traumatised me for life.
The first step to stopping catastrophising is realising you’re doing it in real time, so well done
Yes, because no other country experiences famine
Brilliant, thank you