What are you putting in them?
What are you putting in them?
I was just monkeying around. I have seen this, but I totally just rewatched it, great performance.
Dude, if you think the morning news is real, then you really gotta re-evaluate your commitment to real life club.
I can’t believe real life club got compromised so hard and so fast, makes me want to quit real life club.
Oops, my b, misunderstood. I prefer civ V, and seems like a fair number of people do too. I like the art style, and game mechanics better in V. Admittedly though I could never really get into VI, but it seems like a lot of people prefer it too.
V = 5, fancy roman numbers
Well ya, look at it, it’s a moldy loaf of bread!!!
Civ V, every few months I decide to completely fuck up my sleep schedule playing later than I should
This is a fantastic documentary on Tetris by Gaming Historian. Fascinating history about its development in the Soviet Union and how it came to be a launch title for Nintendo.
Sweet, just backing up the family photos then?