I find it funny that Democrats are the ones who invented superdelegates so that their candidates can’t actually be selected democratically.
Yes. Our political system is crap.
Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
ACAB, Anti-War, and I hate both Democrats and Republicans
I find it funny that Democrats are the ones who invented superdelegates so that their candidates can’t actually be selected democratically.
Yes. Our political system is crap.
No, the Democrats didn’t do enough
That’s almost as bad as… “Dems aren’t perfect, but.”
Christ, I wish the Democratic Party had a shred of empathy left for workers. The minimum wage has been $7.25 for almost 20 years now, across two Democratic presidents who had control of Congress, and both made $100 billion-plus dollars appear out of thin air for war profiteers. The system gives these men all the power they need to make meaningful change, they just don’t give a fuck about anyone who can’t afford the $500,000 minimum it costs to buy a five-minute meeting at the Democratic National Convention.
Republicans stab us in the front. Democrats stab us in the back.
Telling people that they are is lying to their face
Democrats convinced 10,000,000 people that voting didn’t matter by doing nothing about their economic suffering apart from spending three months of campaign time telling them to just be joyful about it. Of course those people chose a badly needed day’s pay instead.
They told another chunk of people, who’ve watched their family, friends, and neighbors get bombed at will by Israel that they supported it by sending Israel more WMD’s mid-genocide.
The liars are the people we elected to represent us who did an abominably shitty job. It’s that simple. Will Republicans be better? Probably not, judging by their history, but for some reason no failure is failure enough to get people to change how they vote anymore. They just stop voting completely.
People don’t want Nazism, Fascism, or genocide.
They just don’t want these neoliberal Democrats.
Drag ain’t gonna do that, because it’s not true
We’re getting somewhere, then.
It is, yes.
Try telling someone working 80-100 hours a week who still can’t afford groceries that they’re actually free.
It’s not half.
It’s 99%. Well, 98% after ten million voters realized neither party was doing anything for them and opted not to skip a day’s pay last election day.
If *anyone were really worried about the nuclear family and abortion, they would make it so that a family could live on a single income again.
Not if you’re a wage earner, sadly.
I don’t know that a screenshot of twitter is proof of anything, especially after the proliferation of AI.
But, go read about the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. Even if I’m wrong in my opinion, you’ll learn some new things.
The Pope has that power. Pretty much always has, but it was far more pronounced before universal literacy was a thing.
There is no afterlife.
So don’t waste your precious time sitting in a pew feeling bad about yourself.
It’s been a long time, but I was in a dance troupe as a kid and we performed at Disney World in the late 90’s. I’m not sure if they still do it, but when you traveled to perform there, they put your troupe name and the members’ names in the park program for the day.
My mom and I took the tram back to the park at dusk every night we were there to get a milkshake and watch the fireworks. TBH, those were some pretty neat experiences.
DW was a neat place before it got enshittified.
It pays to have an electorate that can’t think their way past a brand name.
It wasn’t that long ago that the US Government acknowledged that UFO’s are real and people barely noticed.
Yeah, people have believed in dumb shit like that since our species emerged from the primordial ooze.
This world isn’t going to die.
It’s just going to change.
Our species might though.
Only in a perfect world.
It puzzles me why leftist parties don’t all embrace lower taxes for the middle class.
Functionally, we don’t have one. The closest is the Green Party, but they’re so powerless that they may as well not exist.
Correct. There’s a reason why Strom Thurmond switched parties.