And they say white people have no culture.
Grand sweeping gesture
Stock buy-backs used to be illegal, which at least forced some reinvestment. Now it’s just shareholder masturbation all the way down.
You’re just making an argument for better regulations and testing. Let’s start with elderly drivers, who are no longer physically and mentally capable of the maneuvering required to operate a vehicle at speed. Anyone over 65 should have to retest on a regular schedule. And when they fail, they lose their car too.
And all of this is an argument for effective and reliable PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.
I don’t have a specific house in mind (but I’m thinking about X, or Y, or Z. I really like ______, because _________).
Listen I hate to pile on here, but your responses are lacking proactive elements that create interesting dialogue. And that can come across as very dull indeed.
Don’t sweat it though. Just consider adding more details without being asked. Adding 2-3 extra, unprompted tidbits in the first couple sentences when speaking to someone might be all you need to escape your conversational doldrums.
Yah, that’s correct. I was trying to give the most simplified version, without getting into conservation of energy in a fluid.
Now I’m annoyed with myself for not explaining it further. You did a great job tho.
I find it equally neat how displacement allows a 100,000 ton ship to float.
As I’m sure most know, planes fly because of the angle of their wings and airframe shape (also known as an airfoil). As moving air flows over the wing it creates downward pressure, which, as a result of Newton’s 3rd law (reaction to a force), allows moving air below to create lift. And upsy daisy she goes.
Give me back my headphone jack. No one asked for fucking mandatory Bluetooth.
ATS allows the least skilled people in a company (HR) to be even less effective.
It does, however, facilitate the easy scraping of applicant data, which can be packaged and sold.
The cost is to the whole world, because they consume enormous amounts of energy and produce essentially nothing. Like bitcoin miners.
Which means they’re adding profit margin to the otherwise zero marginal cost of said information good.
MIT releases financials and endowment figures for 2024:
The Institute’s pooled investments returned 8.9 percent last year; endowment stands at $24.6 billion
Bring back the Luddites!
People just want affordable homes- a cornerstone feature of pretty much every modern generation before Millennials.
Obviously there are better ways to build a home, but those avenues seem closed.
"It is possible to insulate the outside of a shipping container instead of the inside.
This method of insulation is known as “over-cladding” or “external insulation” and involves adding a layer of insulation to the outside of the container before covering it with cladding or other weather-resistant materials"
Or worse, your implants start getting repo’d by said corpos. And there’s no Jude Law.
The late 90s dvd versions are gold.
I thought it was, “Never trust a wolf who wants in your house?”
deleted by creator
*BONUS ongoing electrical problems AND rust