I could be wrong, but I believe he meant that other countries themselves should pass similar laws; not that the EU should make laws mandating what Apple does in other countries
I could be wrong, but I believe he meant that other countries themselves should pass similar laws; not that the EU should make laws mandating what Apple does in other countries
Who said they were people? I’m out of touch again aren’t I
I hate that the extra mouse buttons (mouse 4 and 5 I think?) are set to back and forward. Way too many mice are super easy to read on accident, but it’s not a big deal because it doesn’t do anything except when “gaming” or if you set it up for something specific. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally gone back.
Well, lore-wise earths sun literally makes Superman muscular
I always feel bad about how much I have to look up until I look at any programmer based forum. Then, I feel at home lol
I’d like to point out that the majority of people on Lemmy 100% think about this. Hence how many up votes it has :p
Games are looking great this year! Earthblade by the creators of Celeste, Hades 2, Silk song (I Believe) If you ignore AAA, it’s going great!
Honestly I love that kitchen.
Yeah, I was being a bit purposefully ignorant that day
The only game I ever considered pre-ordering was Hogwarts legacy. I’ve always loved the world of Harry Potter, and it looked like everything I’ve ever asked for. I was going to pre-order it, but I wasn’t able to, for financial reasons. Then the game came out, and after watching a video I was like… Oh, this is boring. I learned my lesson.
Wait, people actually hire people to clean their house?
I thought that was only in movies. Have you ever heard of just… Picking up after yourself?
Ah, that would explain it. I have a bad habit of assuming people mean people, and I like ignoring that politicians exist :p
Honestly surprised that I hear this so much. For context, I am not a Republican, so I’m not defending them, but every Republican I’ve talked to has been anti Russia to the max. They might disagree on the amount of money that we send Ukraine (“Why are we sending billions over there when we can’t even figure out our own country” comes up a lot) but I’ve never heard a single one say anything in the support of Russia. It’s so confusing when I hear people say conservatives are pro-Russia… Different ecosystems I guess
I was very intimidated as well, I’ll try to simplify it, but as always check the documentation ;)
This is the process I used to sync between my Windows PC and Android phone to sync retroarch saves (works well, would recommend, Pokemon is awesome) I’ve never done it on a Linux, though i assume it’s not too different
I downloaded the Synctrazor program so that it would run in the tray, again I’m not sure what the equivalent/if this would be necessary on Linux.
No shade to the writers, but the documentation isn’t super noob friendly, as I figured out. I’d recommend trying to cut out all the fluff, and boil it down to bare essentials. Download the program (whichever one seems right for your device, there’s an app for Android) and follow the process for syncing stuff (I believe I used a video guide, but it’s not actually as complicated as it seems)
If you need specific help I’d be happy to answer questions, though I only understand a certain amount myself XD
Well, to be fair, I’ve had people get annoyed with me for saying Merry Christmas in the past (I’m not particularly religious, but I was raised to say it and it’s a habit to break)
It’s all subjective. Just because you haven’t had something said to you, or even haven’t seen or heard of someone saying it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
Coffee is very cheap if you actually just make it. Maybe not cheaper than 4¢ tea bags sure, but cheap.
Edit: if anyone is curious about making coffee simply at home, buy a French press (fancy doesn’t matter, get a $15 one on Amazon) and some coffee grounds (taste is just an experiment of what brand you like. Eventually you’ll want to grind your own beans but don’t worry about it for now. If you can, get medium grind grounds, as that’s supposed to be good for French presses) follow a guide online for making it. You’ll need a way to measure hot water like a kettle, but that’s the same for tea so hey.
Someone with bad posture
Chaotic neutral - Laptop + larger monitor
It really depends on the culture of the area, but yeah overall it’d probably be less stigmatized on average. It would certainly be stigmatized though—some people forget that many people consider sexual acts in general (that others can see, like posting pictures on the Internet, porn work, etc.) wrong in the first place. A lot of people online don’t interact with these people a lot—not necessarily because they ‘don’t touch grass’ but because these are often the people who chose not to be active in social media. When you consider that they see a woman posting a steamy picture of herself online as wrong, it makes sense why.
Many people have grown up with a very conservative (sexuality wise, at least) mindset, and that’s just the way they were taught to see things.
I think that because of that, it’s not unlikely that a large portion of people would still see person doing these things, even if not for monetary gain, as “sluts” or something similar.