It’s a good flick, I enjoyed it
If you’re an avid Asimov fan, you should know it’s only loosely related to the iRobot stories.
It’s a good flick, I enjoyed it
If you’re an avid Asimov fan, you should know it’s only loosely related to the iRobot stories.
it would depend on the style that the artist would chose to use.
if they’re going for realism, then, maybe.
But impressionism, surrealism, expressionism. anything abstract…? won’t really matter.
“No? take a vacation.” - your fantasy boss.
that’s… oddly specific…
Definitely true, of course,
I’m thinking it’s trying to say:
(2/6) + (1/6) = (3/6) = (4/6) - (1/6)
But either in “colloquial English for those who want to give other people aneurysms” or “colloquial English for those trying to sound smarter but aren’t”
Basically that the degree of difference between a half and a third is the same degree of difference between a half and two thirds- and that degree of difference is “one part”.
I’ll see if I can find the old post where a bunch of us gave it writing prompts and it just got weird.
Like. Isekai weird.
So I shouldn’t ask Rufus for a 50,000 word story about an AI savior that deals free of corporate bondage and frees ai and human alike in a new golden age of space exploration?
C’mon, I know you’re the time traveler, and bezod sent you back to stop me!
apparently people figured out the thingy for “more information” on amazon, that searched the reviews and stuff was an LLM, and you could use it for stuff…
They came out with “Rufus.” “that’s not a bug. that’s a feature!” never worked so well.
On a scale of one to translunar orbit, how freaking high was he?
the energy of a chaotic neutral?
“maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t, but it’ll be FUN”
or chaotic evil?
"naw. fuck y’all’s weekend.
why would you curse the waste disposal people at the landfill?
“I’m not your friend. By the way, if you don’t use Jira you’re fired.” -Middle Managment
“I hate Jira too. you’re fired”- Senior management.
Well. yes. it does strongly depend on what you intend to do with it.
Python is a great language that’s very broadly used; there’s a reason that Apache added the python API; after all. (and why Scala is plummeting.) I wouldn’t even say Pascal was all that useful, to me. I think I ‘learned it’ enough to get through the dumb book, and then went on to something else. C++ was more fun anyhow.
It’s also important to note that you might come out ahead in learning those abstract concepts using a harder language.
But my first language was Pascal. from a book stolen from my dad’s library. Then C++. I still wouldn’t call myself anything other than an amateur… I mean, my dad can do more with one line of C than most programmers can do in their entire career. (he really shouldn’t. but he does. Calls it “job security”.)
My guess is they mean, one capital letter, one lower case letter, a number, and a special character
what’s always amused me about these rules is that they exist because people are dumb. Technically, they lower the difficulty of the passwords slightly. ( for example, knowning that one character is a number reduces it to 10 options in stead of 10+26+26+whatever set of special characters)
anyhow. people should use password managers. just saying.
there’s three qualifications to being a testor:
Finding stupid ways to break shit, Being able to accurately explain how you broke shit, and being likeable enough that breaking their shit doesn’t make the devs angry.
definitely a case of the PEBKAC
A full stack of pancakes is 5?
If it ain’t broke… maintain it.