I think it might offer Downloads as an optional checkbox to select on first login, but can’t remember off top of my head. Also, they definitely want you to blow through your free storage to give you a reason to upgrade the storage.
I think it might offer Downloads as an optional checkbox to select on first login, but can’t remember off top of my head. Also, they definitely want you to blow through your free storage to give you a reason to upgrade the storage.
Those who live in Asperger’s house shouldn’t be casting retarded stones.
Plex server is running on my old Threadripper 1950X. Thing has been a champ. Due to rebuild it since I’ve got newer hardware to cycle into it but been dragging my heels on it. Not looking forward to it.
Neurotypical // Neurodivergent
I often forget the term and end up using atypical.
Sounds like a viable market gap for a new manufacturer!
May not be super intuitive, but getting rid of them is intellectually lazy. If you know an hour is 60 minutes, it makes enough sense.
If an hour is 60 minutes, 60/12 is 5 minutes per number on the clock. Long hand is minutes because there are more minutes in a day than hours. Or at least that’s how I can rationalize it.
If you can explain an analog clock that quickly, it’s just lazy for them to not learn it. It also has cross application to make people more comfortable with mental math and multiples commonly seen in trigonometry.
Absolutely correct. CAT 5e should be able to max out at 125MB/s.
You mean lease it? Rent it? Own implies it’s mine period. Not mine until they decide to remove it. A bank can’t take away your house cuz they feel like it after you’ve paid for it.
Yeah, I will. It still needs more preliminary work though. All I have is a rough outline that’s sufficient for me to verbally walk someone through it in 2.5 hours. Nowhere near ready for people to be able to read it and know what I’m talking about. If anything it looks like gibberish right now, or it looks like I’m a crackpot. But so far I’m comforted by the fact that everyone I’ve explained it to thinks I’m on to something. I’m happy with the progress rate though, I’m only 2 months in, and juggling a lot in life right now.
What’s a deck? Does that mean a presentation? I’m not really interested in selling the idea, I think it’s too important to risk just becoming another money hoarding trick for some soulless corporation to just keep for their own ends.
If anything it’s going to get published open source. It doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to everyone.
Everyone. I’m writing a book to explain but I’ve come up with a problem solving framework that can solve any clearly defined problem using a combination of strategies and theories from a wide variety of different subject areas. But I’m still in the process of articulating it. Original idea is only 2 months old at this point, so I still need more time to tinker and experiment with it.
The reason 10 million would be helpful is that it would simply enable me to quit my job and focus entirely on my long term plan.
Blue pill. I’m young enough (37) that I’d lose far more than I’d gain if I chose Red. The knowledge I currently possess can change the world with 10 million.
Yes, you definitely need to be vigilant these days about the fees. A lot of places are passing the costs to customers or offering lower prices for cash and debit.
Personally, I pay off before next billing cycle. However, I have been fortunate with my finances. I know friends of mine who carry credit card debt, and they have successfully managed to balance transfer from one card to another using periodic balance transfer deals that let you transfer all your debt from one credit card to another with a 0% interest rate for 12 months or so. They have managed to do this for years.
So there are definitely a variety of options!
Credit cards are fine for people who can control their spending. I never pay interest, so I get my rewards for free and am building my credit. If you cannot control your spending habits, you might consider a card with a low limit.
I already use one… Oh, do you not speak English? Or have some condition that affects reading comprehension? You might need to reread this entire thread more carefully. You haven’t answered a single question that I asked. Are you being intentionally obtuse? Aren’t you the one who accused me of “red-herring” and other nonsense?
Thank you for proving my point. Your contributions to science will not be forgotten.
I have follow-up questions. How many people were you successful at convincing of something while calling them names?
I already see that you are an embellishing liar, because you said only I am an idiot, but your post history shows otherwise.
Do you find your conversation skills particularly effective? Do you think there’s anything you can do to improve them?
Isn’t it trivial to run both? You just point them at the same library right?