3D printing
in high school
now that I’m an adult
3D printing
in high school
now that I’m an adult
It’s about the enlightenment of all of us one by one, my Lemming.
“I have seen this before, therefore no one else needs to.”
This coming from the guy literally picking fights in the conservative community over this…
Yeah, okay buddy. I suppose next you’re gonna tell me climate change is real, huh?
It’s all over. Do a search for “end times prophecy”
End Timers on youtube are alive and well, they have all just started saying it’s “imminent.” instead of throwing out predictions.
End Times youtube is one hell of a rabbit hole though. Would recommend!
This isn’t cancel culture though. You are proving my point.
And my last post wasn’t a straw man either… It was describing people who use terms they don’t understand to express their dislike of things. It’s literally you. In this thread.
I mean… I guess it could be that you’re knowingly misusing it just to create anger and division. But you wouldn’t do that, would you? That would make -you- the problem.
Yeah, the original meme is clowning the guy, showing that he’s an idiot with frivolous opinions
Cancel Culture, Woke, Communism… When you don’t understand a lot about the modern world, you just start using words and phrases you also don’t understand to mean “I dislike this”
I spose you missed the part where I generally agreed with his criticisms (as someone who is also part of the system), and how the focus of my reply was the simping and bragging.
I had a family member like this… They’d go off about how awful capitalism is, and the shit that goes with it (to which I’d generally agree) but have a house full of google home devices, brag about how much they buy on amazon, and simp for the giant megacorp for which they worked a retail job…
It woulda been funny if it wasn’t so sad.
It’s because Epstein’s island is a honeypot
But that’s the paradox, isn’t it? How can you label something superstition with zero scientific knowledge?
Is it? I don’t remember any past lives and neither do other people I know. Seems like a pretty clear no.
Just because you’re unaware of something doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, though.
You could arguee that it does happen and you just don’t remember, but that’s functionally the same as not being reincarnated.
I get your logic here and honestly we largely agree. I think memory is what most people view as the “soul.” Without it, what are we?
though walmart might get pissy about it.
Haha XD
I find that understanding the underlying mechanics helps. I always ask why until there are no more answers, and trust myself to know when an answer feels wrong.
Why are y’all hating on existential questions? The answer is unknowable. Just have fun with it~
What about co-op? PvP? PvE?
It’s pretty amazing to have teachers and faculty like that 💜