Sometimes, misheard lyrics are better than the original.
“I’ve got two crickets and a pair of lice!”
Sometimes, misheard lyrics are better than the original.
“I’ve got two crickets and a pair of lice!”
🎵"It’s hard to bargle nawdle zous
with all these marbles in my mouth."🎶
I had a microsd card that I’d been collecting music on since 2006 go corrupt last year. Thousands and thousands of songs, and this image is me trying to remember it all so i can look them up on YouTube.
You get to pay for commercials.
“Set the tone!”
When the wookies and ewoks come down the ramp, i highly doubt we’ll be considered the “furries.”
“Seeing as you’ve already begun your community service by taking out a large sack of garbage, the court sees it fit to release you under your own recognizance.”
Whenever i catch that certain typo, i like to leave the edit “ducking autocorrupt”. It’s not a mistake.
The original creators obviously have nothing to fucking do with a remaster.
A remaster of what…? Hey, shut up.
Choice to not have baby = choice to let dumb people out-procreate smart people = more dumb people
The “smart” people keep waiting and waiting. It’s not being forced on them…
No, it wasn’t. The implication was that the smart people didn’t procreate as much as the stupid people, and that generation after generation saw the intelligence of the species go down.
Worth had nothing to do with it.
“Wanna be furious every time you stop?”