Thats not the definition of a genocide… Germany killed 1 % of the french population in WW2 and its wasn’t a genocide.
A genocide is characterized by the intention to annihilate a people. And while the far right in Israel is voicing support for a genocide, the current offensive is definitely not a genocide. This doesn’t mean that its not against international law or just. But it simply doesnt fit the definition of a genocide – no matter how often you call it that way.
Thats simply incorrect. For example ‘Deutschlandfunk Der Tag’ did a long series (~5 hours) about the impact of the war on Palestinians living under Hamas occupation during the war and their feelings towards Israel. They even did a Meta-report ‘How much attention does the dying in Gaza get in german media’ where they interviewed Salma Abuzaina, a Palestine activist in germany.
Maybe you just don’t consume public funded media if you haven’t heard any report about it. The conflict between reporting on Palestinian deaths and Isreali deaths without negating the suffering of any of the parties is a huge topic in german media.