I recommend this thread btw https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistory/comments/18ydzok/has_the_term_dark_ages_truly_become_an_obsolete/
Nothing to do with the rest of your comment.
I recommend this thread btw https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistory/comments/18ydzok/has_the_term_dark_ages_truly_become_an_obsolete/
Nothing to do with the rest of your comment.
If you legitimately believe this then you are a clown. Terminator came out in what year again? Lmaoooo
Edit with citation:
“As AI researchers in the 1960s and 1970s began to use computers to recognize images, translate between languages, and understand instructions in normal language and not just code, the idea that computers would eventually develop the ability to speak and think—and thus to do evil—bubbled into mainstream culture.”
https://www.technologyreview.com/2015/02/11/169210/our-fear-of-artificial-intelligence/ (MIT tech review)
Another article from before OpenAI was even a blip on the radar:
And another:
It even has its own Wikipedia article! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existential_risk_from_artificial_general_intelligence
Are you suggesting that architectural styles are not based on interactions with different peoples and that the type of architecture, for example, from 200-500CE is not going to vary greatly in different regions such as East Asia and Europe? And that those peoples with individual cultures and ideas about architecture won’t ever interact with their neighbors, creating cross-cultural styles? That these cultures will never interact and reach a quorum on specific styles of buildings, especially when brought together through larger institutions such as religion?
From a content creator’s standpoint, sure. The issue is that when the end user doesn’t have a shiny new thing they’re interested in in front of them every 30 or so seconds they just log off and stop using the service. Why use mastodon if bluesky/threads/whatever shows them, generally, more of what they want to see and less of what they don’t?
Most people are using social media as a way to veg out and unwind these days. They don’t really care if somebody is able to game the system, just that they see more that lets them veg out (or alternatively makes them angry, driving increased engagement).
I agree that this is generally bad, but trying to sidestep it completely like Mastodon is is just going to result in a network that never hits the critical mass necessary to start exponential growth.
There’s also just the issue of the fact that there’s significantly more books, articles, etc. written in standard english vs AAVE so that’s gonna be a huuuge barrier to overcome regardless of diversity of development and training teams. Not to say diversity isn’t important, but also that there’s just certain challenges surrounding finding adequate amounts of high quality training data, especially for less mainstream concepts. It’s the same reason an AI couldn’t give a summary of a book that has almost no info abt it on the internet.
I’m pretty sure the first AI that passed the turing test was made in the 60s. The turing test is an absolutely garbage metric for identifying if a computer iteration qualifies as human and is entirely dependent on the whims of the individuals that make up the test group.
Probably the ones that made the meme pointing out the hypocrisy of US empire and its support of Israel…
Are you just looking for something to get angry at or did you momentarily turn your brain off? This meme is clearly not in support of the bombing of Palestinians.
Yeah it’s really sad that people are like that. He was the choir teacher at my hs and would call a nb person in the group ‘it’ if he was corrected. Just kinda gross but he was old as fuck and abt to retire anyway so we never really escalated it.
No they say it because they want to objectify and demean you. I knew a guy like this and it had nothing to do with sticking to the binary and everything to do with making people feel bad for being different.
From what I understand it’s fairly common in engineering, but less of a forget everything you learned and more of a that’s all gonna be pretty much useless in the context of the specific job you’re doing so just pay attention to the training
I don’t understand why you felt the need to comment this or why others felt the need to upvote it. What is your purpose?
You really don’t need a degree in literature to become a published author. That’s like getting a degree in media studies so you can become a youtuber. Yeah, you could do it, and it may give you some advantages, but like… You’re already literate, right? Besides that, taking a class or two on literature or creative writing would give you a lot of the skills you need to get you on your way, which you can easily do while pursuing another degree that ensures greater monetary security or (less easily) at a community college while also working.
I’m not saying that the system that begets this thinking is good, but it is the one we live under.
Ok then, so people who vote in US elections are inherently evil? - a more analogous example
People who consume bananas are inherently evil?
People that have smartphones are inherently evil?
Those things are all choices. How about another one? Lithium mining is a bad system that negatively impacts the environment. Therefore, people that buy electric cars are evil and bad for the environment, right?!?
I disagree with the second part. That means everybody living in a first world country is inherently a bad person just by accident of their birth location. We’re well past the point of choosing whether or not we participate in most systems, and at the end of the day, somebody needs to do the job of law enforcement.
I don’t think she does cracks technically, right? They’re repacks I thought
There’s a reason we have realism in political science though. Theory isnt the truth of how things play out in real life, especially when it comes to the social sciences. We need descriptions just as much, if not moreso, than prescriptions.
I agree that theory is important tho, so I’ll do my part by linking a free resource: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5GYwuvmAD_VyV6w5aFnnUw
Cause the middle school one is the quadratic formula. You use it to factor 2nd degree polynomials. You don’t solve for a, b, and c, you just plug them in.
Why in God’s name would we put weapons that pose a legitimate threat to the whole of humanity under the control of an ai? I just don’t think this one sounds plausible.