That’s only due to technical reasons on weird platforms like x86, 64bit x86 or ARM.
That’s only due to technical reasons on weird platforms like x86, 64bit x86 or ARM.
The checkbox should be grayed out.
You might want to consider used hardware. Should be ca. 50 Bucks+ drives.
Used drives are quite cheap, too. Just use some redundant setup.
And you should.
It even works for classes whose constructors your implementation cannot see, if you aren’t a bitch about it.
In C++ you should never have owning raw pointers. Unless you have a good reason™.
Raw pointers are great, but not for ownership.
Because stuff can own other stuff and be owned at the same time. Also, arcane jackarsery.
Edit: if you want to give a function a pointer that it may change this may occur in a constructive way. I.e. replace an owned object.
That’s unreasonable mate. Rebar is good and compute has always been cheaper if you stack more of it, to a point.
A compatible mono is dirt cheap anyway. Stop wasting electricity by running very legacy systems.
LeBron ain’t no first name
Making weapons grade uranium should also be do able. Just need some mechanics and engineers.
Not to that extent, no. You can argue that not all watchtime is equal and hence the distribution of youtube premium money shouldn’t be proportional but otherwise its hard to argue.
That’s why they need 55 years of experience. They are trying to hire the original dev.
You are a complete idiot, it’s objectively hard to find.