2016 we got Blood and Wine for Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 (which is a good game, just not a good Fallout game). Oh and we got Doom.
2017 wasn’t that great for AAA, except for Nintendo. But we still got great games like Breath of the wild, Prey, Nier Automata, Hellblade, Hollow Knight, Undertale to name a few.
2018 we got Red Dead Redemption 2, Monster Hunter World, God of War.
2019 we got Death Stranding, Divinity Original Sin 2, Sekiro, Resident Evil 2
2020 we got Final Fantasy 7 Remake, The last of us 2, Hades
2021 is kind of a dud because of covid.
So I’m terms of AAA only 2017 and 2021 can really be considered duds. But indies released some absolute bangers between 2016-2021. For example Disco Elysium, among us, outer wilds, Stardew valley, inscryption etc.
As long as SteamOS doesn’t fail, yes. If SteamOS draws enough gamers for there to be a healthy amount on Windows and SteamOS there will be competition between the two OS-s, which will benefit everyone. If SteamOS does draw away the supermajority of gamers then we still benefit because the open source nature of Linux makes it much harder for Valve to have total control like Microsoft has.