God forbid we have any space without the constant never ending same arguments right?
God forbid we have any space without the constant never ending same arguments right?
Depends if you mean dark ages by not a lot of information that survives or economic stagnation.
First one idk but we are fully in an economic stagnation period due to late stage capitalism impeding innovation.
So historians might think that not much happened as in not much that is worth remembering happened.
I feel like 20 years ago someone made a similar realization with Linux vs windows
Edit: i remember people telling me how good Linux was in 2010ish (so maybe 20 years was wrong), so idk…
I doubt anything legal would come from this, but it does progress the conversation about piracy:
“You wouldn’t download a car would you? Cause zuck would without sharing”
Yeah, for all we know he was full on albino
Hundred years ago probably:
“I bet in a century, people won’t remember the steam engine, assembly lines and telegraph, they’ll just remember the Industrial Revolution. “
Huh, and I worry about forgetting the great memories of the games I played. The duality of man
I mean, natural diamonds are still a thing while synthetic is better.
For a bit the picture didn’t show up and I thought that was the joke
Yeah the whole of generated AI feels like legal piracy (that they charge for) based on how they train their data
Not OP but my GPU is a decade old, would be nice to have the latest for once.
In general, nature gets rid of stuff that is energy expensive and it doesn’t need.
No sensory means no reason to think so yeah probably.
I wouldn’t call that mutable, more like version tracking in which each torrent is aware of future versions.
I kind of like that, but you might be able to accomplish it with a plugin or something.
Put a file in the torrent called “versions” or something like that, and in there would be a url that the client can use to tell you if there is a new version.
It wouldn’t change the protocol though, since the new version and old version would still need to be separate entities with different data and different seeding.
What’s the advantage to that? I don’t want the torrent I’m downloading to change.
The profit motive
A better question is, what would you improve over current way that torrents work.
Feels a little too close to home, except maybe the 3 hour nap part, more like dozed off but never reached REM for 45 mins.
So I guess the least thing changed since then is how much we care about things shining and glowing, both physically and metaphorically.
It was a remote controlled boat I believe
While I agree with your overall sentiment of taking breaks but staying informed with with discussions, my issue is that politics still leaks there.
Even if you subscribe to only memes and fun stuff, politics can still overrun it.
Imo during the Biden years there was good balance.