I didn’t even know anyone leaked anime. I’d say that went quite under the radar
I didn’t even know anyone leaked anime. I’d say that went quite under the radar
yotube is buffer blocking me. is it as dumb and “just buy a real camera at that point” as it looks?
the cards that have red bars on these charts, does it say anywhere why they are different colour?
this is the kind of thing that could trap me for days
I’ve done a few full download and installs on the deck alone, but the separate pc and rsync over ssh is way faster at every step, assuming the second pc actually has the specs to do it faster. The install of a repack takes forever and a day directly on deck.
short ver: you can do it with just the deck but it’s so damn slow to install.
haha. I am old enough that I could have had one if my family wasn’t really bad with money. I just never knew anyone else that had it either
if there is anyone still alive to make the comparison for you they are probably too busy celebratinng their second grandchild
I want your whole graph as one game.
Even knowing what they are, it seems odd to me. Especially where are my metroidvanias?
I also haven’t used the 2c, but the older bt+usb2.4 ultimate still can’t be configured in linux and the android app seems to not work at all.
I like the 8bdo controllers but being able to remap and set deadzones would be nice, and I’m waiting for steam controller 2 at this point. hopefully they do hall sticks.
Looks like me too… but I’m more concerned about how I put in way more total hours than I thought I did.
In my region of Canada, people usually differentiate from the continential americas by specifying north or south or grouping them like I just did. I also highly doubt any Brazilians refer to themselves as “american”. At the very least the few I have met were quite proud to specifically be referred to as Brazilian.
kill a few more CEOs and they probably won’t bother with america at least
Ive3 used a bunch of steelseries stuff but much like razer they kinda became shittier as they got more popular. I’ve used 3 of their mice and 2 headsets, a friend went through 3 headsets. They all develop weird problems within a year. Meanwhile I just swapped the pads on my old sennheiser 500 something and it sounds excellent. wired but sounds great, essentially no latency vs any wireless method, and works with linux as long as the mobo sound card works.
well that’s one more thing that can fuck right off
yeah bazzite is my daily driver on desktop and deck. you can use the htpc/deck image on non-nvidia systems to get the settigs panel (fps/hz, scaling, etc changed live) but I don’t want to have to switch between game and desktop mode on my desktop. I haven’t had much time outside of work other than my meager amount of sleeo and doomscrolling so I haven’t looked in to if the settings or overlays can be done as cleanly on desktop only images
The steam deck is kinda inconvenient when any level of tinkering is required due to switching between game and desktop mode and the input if you dont attach a keyboard and mouse. Non-deck distros lose the quick settings which I really like.
Try bottles too. you may or may not find it easier than lutris. I find the dependencies easier to install. After checking if anyone has already documented what dependencies are needed (directx, dotnet, etc.), I usually start with the default wine bottles uses, then try wine-ge and tkg at least before giving up. I have yet to find a game that cant be made to work but other software can be very finicky especially once dotnet is involved.
There are people that literally can’t tell the difference of any of these, and will struggle to use them confusedly while not realizing the os is entirely different, so it doesn’t seem that weird to me. Back when I worked the self checkouts in a store, I even saw five different people try to put their items in to the screen. At least a couple of levels below thinking the web browser is the operating system.
wtf it was real?
but no fix for it redownloading the shader cache every time you launch the game. So you could be testing mods but every launch takes an extra 15-20 minutes because the ISP is a piece of shit and only gives the speeds you pay for with connections to speed test sites. Not that I want to redownload the same thing repeatedly and wear out my poor old ssd even if I had more reliable internet.