His name is Terry Davis
Average shitposter
His name is Terry Davis
It’s only now that I realise that I understood that reference so late
Free drink? Absolutely
Do you have a built-in browser in your brain that renders it?
This screenshot is not mine, it was sent to me via Matrix
Makes sense. You could host your own VPN server in Britain by using a cloud hosting provider.
A VPN would probably do it. I recommend Mullvad.
The audiobook hasn’t released yet.
Yes, I have usb-c. I’ll get an adapter and record it with Audacity.
Sadly not.
Yeah I believe I posted in the wrong community.
You better torrent something for the occasion
Yes, of course!
How high are you?
We do believe them + who asked.
Why not just have a script that sets up all of the software one would want to host?