I hadn’t heard about the periodic table thing, or are you just using it as a catch-all for science in general?
I hadn’t heard about the periodic table thing, or are you just using it as a catch-all for science in general?
Peculiar about what they allow on their platform
Have you seen the shit that the Switch Eshop is? There’s just a much garbage on it as Steam. At least Steam doesn’t have a seizure if I go to another search filter.
Oh I know it exists, but it uses up the charging port at the same time. A mod would allow for the charging port to always be available.
Funny enough, if you decide to mod your SP, a headphone jack is a pretty easy addition.
I went and bought several Pokemon-Like games after this whole debacle started. Made sure to get the physical versions, too.
Brightburn. I haven’t seen it (yet), but alternate universe where Superman becomes evil. Trailers showed him absolutely wrecking his classmates in anger and frustration.
Some people get really offended when their sub or donation doesn’t get mentioned. I go so far as to re-sub when the streamer is offline to try and avoid it at all costs. Parasocial relationships are weird, man.
I do a little extra because I know my other coworkers fuckin’ won’t. I tell my new hires that you’re not working for the other shift but rather for when it’s your shift again.
My work frequently has me interact with people from southern Louisiana. It’s a whole different language, that Cajun. Got a guy I work with that was born in Vietnam, then lived down in the south for several years before moving north. I joke that he speaks 3 languages: Vietnamese, Cajun, and English.