Finally! A good shower thought.
Finally! A good shower thought.
The concept applied to trump just grosses me out so much.
I don’t care that Linux is talked about here. It’s just insufferable having people commenting with this superior attitude about it making it seem like the second coming. It’s just as bad as aggressive vegans and cryptobros.
You aren’t making any sense here. It’s still not good to call someone that unless it’s a friend or whoever that understands it’s joking or if it’s involving a kink both adults share in.
When I was young my hair was longer and it poofed out. Add to that glasses and me being awkward and a bunch of people would call me napoleon dynamite. Definitely contributed to me not liking it that much.
I mean if that’s what gets you off then you do you I guess.
But just one singular suck per slice right?
Yea thats not how things work. A developer company doesn’t have only developers. The good ones will have managers and such that may have been developers in the past or have a good working knowledge of whats going on, but its not the developers making the overall decisions.
It isn’t the developers making those kinds of decisions. It’s the bean counters and executives.
They aren’t.
They definitely better leave him alone.
Ans yet Apple expects all others to to just accept what they want or Apple walls off everything. It goes both ways, Apple doesn’t get to control everything.
Agreed. There’s isn’t enough of a difference between a number of the recent gens. I feel like the millennials were the last big one that made sense to me.
Well you are at least right about fascists thinking they are always right. Which explains why you would think your first statement is right even though it couldn’t be more wrong if you tried lol.
We were never that great. We got to where we are through exploiting the natives land and through slavery. Also rampant sexism and homophobia to name a few. But if you don’t give a shit about any people in those categories, i.e. only care about white people and even that mainly just white men then sure I guess we were great back then.
I lost interest in call of duty around MW2 and the first black ops game. The games just felt like reskins of the previous ones.
None of us care if you are upset.
And you in no way comprehended what he said.
As an American, our baggage is VASTLY greater than Canada baggage.