No, what about in horror films when the tension rises, the soundtrack and effects sometimes give the ‘surprise’ away in suspenseful screens. Less about how it feels and more about predictability. The best ones have very little backing and only subtle sound effects until something is actually happening.
Yeah, you are right. But OP saying that it incites a forced reaction is inaccurate. I’ve never been pressured to laugh from a laugh track just like I’ve never been pressured by a horror movie ‘telling’ me to be scared by the rising music/sounds. Just that sometimes they give away the time of surprise. When horror movies have no bg noise for a bit, that’s when it is hard to know exactly when something is gonna happen, that’s more effective than a long inflecting violin note for example or something like the classic Michael Myers theme that tells you some action is happening/going to happen. But I would never call it a forced reaction. I like soundtracks, I see all movies as works of art rather than ‘make me think this is real’ lol. Many people these days have no suspension of disbelief.