duckworth annoys me more as she is to ok with security over rights. to much military indoctrination with that one.
duckworth annoys me more as she is to ok with security over rights. to much military indoctrination with that one.
im betting hell was first.
This is always weird when the doctor asks. Both my wife and I are not adverse to drinking and do but like it took us several years to use up a bottle of cognac she had picked up because she wanted to do up eggnog all special one year. So the answer is always. Yes but very very very rarely.
sure as long as your accurate. There were things suggesting one or two servings per day was actually healthy but if your using it to justify more then it immediately falls apart. Also you can justify the pleasurable effects but if it ever interferes with anything at all then that is out the window.
um no. im not sure chip in head will be a thing I would be willing to do where it gets to in my lifetime but if there was a replace game memories with like skill training maybe.
I have never gotten paid by the month where january/march paid the same as febuary but the only time I was paid monthly was hourly. Boy some guys there were pretty desperate a week before paycheck.
ok. ok. ok. this is a bit of a stretch. I mean its really not all that slow.
Yeah its not so much good sci-fi is not being made as there is such innundation that its more of a diamond in the rough kind of thing and Im talking more media than literature.
It is funny. There are so many things in modern day that would be a dream come true to young me but it all goes dystopia and all the fantasy and scifi is one of those things. I thought I would love so much but so much is not done well. I sorta feel for gay people because being into scifi was a subculture but it going mainstream has greatly diminished the subculture as it sorta becomes unnecessary but I miss that small group feeling.
my granfather was born in 1899 and wanted to make it to 2000 to be alive in three centuries. No one wanted to correct him. He did not make it though but he got close.
you can be rest assured or the body of water between texas and florida is not called gulf of ameritrump.
yeah. it still amazes me how much it takes to actually burn calories and its mostly heart rate that does it. I was thinking how you won’t get anything from the free weights or aerobics classes along with swimming and heating pools, sauna, hot tub is not insignificant. I think it could be done as long as what the gym offers is limited and it uses very energy efficient things.
to be fair it does not take much for my fire tv stick to freeze up and crash
Will be interesting to see where this goes. I know I have said it before and they might not think im serious but so help me satan I will read books. Do they want that!
what happens when you answer wrong?
I never got past chapter one I think or two maybe. I did not jump the gap or whatever. just the druids grove and areas around it.
Yeah I changed a bit back but I went to new hardware. Ill be accessing the windows likely for months until I get my lazy ass in gear.
baldurs gate 3, cyberpunk 2077, and elden ring. I mean I play them on the steam deck so they count yeah?
I dunno. when sweated in they tend to be REALLY sweated in.
feels longer. I know I bought during the first big price decrease about a year in. Feels like I have had it forever.