From what I’ve heard it’s someone who really doesn’t know what they’re doing making it, and it has a ton of obvious security issues that the dev refuses to acknowledge. It really isn’t something that people should actually use.
From what I’ve heard it’s someone who really doesn’t know what they’re doing making it, and it has a ton of obvious security issues that the dev refuses to acknowledge. It really isn’t something that people should actually use.
Not if you’re the only one who knows and can create artificial scarcity.
Considering my boot drive just died, backups. Also wanna get a fractal node 804 and cram tons of HDDs in it. Probably a new build with ecc as well. Perhaps transitioning current server to backup server. Also my directory structure for media is a jumbled mess of incomprehensible nonsense. I should fix that. Also I lost all my torrents that I was uploading but still have the media but can’t keep seeding after the drive failure.
Yes, although if you take it from your own streaming or something there may be watermarks to identify you. If you just repost from clearweb torrents you’ll be fine.
I typically just copy the title into google with quotes around it. Can also add filetype:pdf.
Edit: Didn’t see title, leaving up anyway.
I’ve got like half a gig down and 20 ish mbps up. I also limit it to less because family and stuff.
Nice. I just got above 2 for my ratio. I don’t have symmetric internet, but I have my torrents set up to never stop, and I don’t delete.
I don’t like that all of the questions are mandatory. For some of them, I just haven’t done enough with whatever it is to have an opinion and would not be able to provide good data.
I don’t pay for piracy, but if I did I’d be glad I could help.
I have an arc for transcoding, and I had to set the device to /dev/dri without the renderD128 part. If I were you, I would just use the 2060. If it’s there for llama or something I’d still try it and see how it does doing both at once, as it should be separate parts of the gpu handling that.
Idk if you tried this, but I run all my stuff on docker and put specific things through gluetun (arrs and qbit).
It’s not how you build a ratio, but helps so much more than seeding the latest Marvel thing. Thank you.
I have a jellyfin+arr+qbit setup. i just tell it to prefer av1. It usually doesn’t get any, but once av1 becomes more common I will probably switch, but I will have to re-download everything as av1 so I can continue seeding.
Great idea, can’t believe I didn’t think of that.
Assuming I read that right, and assuming that’s right: Person bought Disney+. Clicked accept in the EULA when they did. Was served food that gave them allergic reaction. Binding arbitration agreement basically means their case against Disney was tried by Disney employees instead of in court. If they pirated content instead of paying, they never would have accepted the EULA, and they would have gotten to sue Disney in a real court.
Yeah, I like it too. My only issue is ollama’s lack of intel support. I have been looking at issue 1590 on their GitHub. For now I have a 1050ti in a cardboard box PC with other hardware being 10+ years old and a mixed set of RAM totalling 12G. It also has a 100Mbit nic, so I can’t take advantage of full internet speed when downloading models. The worst part is they can support intel, but haven’t merged the solution because of an issue with the windows intel drivers. Linux is fine but I can 't have it. I wasn’t planning to rant, but I already typed it so… enjoy?
Seeding is worse legally.