So you’re saying that… video killed the radio star…?
Two teachers at my high school got married and both of them changed their full names. They chose a last name to share- after a saint they both resonated with, and each chose new first and middle names. They felt it marked the new chapter in their lives, that as they became one, they were both new people. They were both the young, cute, cool teachers that everyone had crushes on so we all thought it was super creative and cool.
I commented below with a similar idea. Like a public indoor park, for when Outside™ is no longer an option for recreation due to climate issues. They are big enough to accommodate large playgrounds, both child and adult style, running tracks, swimming pools, sports fields/courts. Keep the food court, sure, throw in a library, etc.
If we ever get a house and senate progressive enough to shave like 0.000000001% of the military budget we could put one in every abandoned mall and have funds left over.
As is often mentioned, the plumbing situation makes this somewhat untenable.
But, as the world warms and outdoor recreation becomes impossible, I think they could be repurposed into indoor recreation centers, not that different from a regular mall, just less focused on shopping and more on fun and exercise.
*exclusionary. Exclusive sounds like they are only feminists for trans women.
PB&J is like, one of the cheapest meals you can make, right? What if it WASN’T?
Oh hello! Hellooo! Whose the best one of all the ones??? Whose the best one?? IT’S YOU!!! YOU ARE!!!
K E R A T O S E S. Actinic and Seborrheic. One might kill you, both feel like barnacles growing on your body. My body’s little present to welcome me to middle age. I now have to go to the dermatologist every 6 months, just like the dentist, to have them removed or I start to feel like an old sail boat that might die of skin cancer.
I wish the chips in pets worked like lo-jacks. You have to use a bulky collar tag if you want to track their whereabouts.
I feel like this post is directly related to your last one where you confused gender identity and how it relates to politics with “identity politics” and then got mad and dug your heels in when everyone (including wikipedia) corrected you.
PS: Sorry you’re so grumpy about people living their best lives in a way that doesn’t effect you in any meaningful way. Hope you feel better soon 💖
Do you mean gender identity? That’s not the same thing as identity politics.
Where can I find this modern day 25-year-bathroom-rug?
Things aren’t built to last as long. I currently use the Calphalon cooking pots that my parents got as a wedding present in the 70s. I’m told it’s normal to replace pots and pans about every 4 years now.
Growing up we had a large bathroom rug with an interesting pattern on it. I stared at that weird pattern while on the toilet from ages potty trained to moved away for college and returned home for holidays and summer time. I’ve got a bathroom rug that I bought five years ago and it’s starting to unravel and I’m pretty upset about this.
I have a friend who is in her 30s and is 4’11. She looks like an adult woman, just a small one. Her bf is average height. He gets a lot of dirty looks when they are affectionate in public.
But everyone knows camels are the better mathematicians, having always used base infinity.
Lack of fingers was another big spur to the development of camel intellect. Human mathematical development had always been held back by everyone’s instinctive tendency, when faced with something really complex in the way of triform polynomials or parametric differentials, to count fingers. Camels started from the word go by counting numbers.
Terry Pratchett - Pyramids
I can’t watch original series Star Trek because of the screeching sounds that happen whenever we are supposed to feel dramatic surprise and/or suspense. It’s like nails on a chalkboard.