It’s one of the things that turned me off from Elden Ring. The text is just so damn small. It’s not a problem on a monitor, but trying to play on a TV while relaxing on the couch? Constant squinting.
It’s one of the things that turned me off from Elden Ring. The text is just so damn small. It’s not a problem on a monitor, but trying to play on a TV while relaxing on the couch? Constant squinting.
No, fuck right off. That BS attitude is a big part of what killed reddit. Fake shit that tries to pass itself off as real is lame as fuck and insulting. With pro wrestling or plays or movies, you go in expecting it to be fake. It doesn’t really matter if the wrestlers don’t have any real beef or real drama, you still get to see 20 midgets attacking a bullfighter. The lie is just the set up, not the main event. But shit like this post? The lie is the entire thing. Take it away and you just have someone’s shitty, unclever, poetry that isn’t interesting or funny enough to stand on its own.
I’m saying using the browser that aims to put privacy first is better than Firefox, yes. I don’t really care about the past personal beliefs of the staff because that doesn’t actually make any difference on the product itself, it’s just virtue signaling. I’ll keep using Brave which values my privacy, you can keep using whatever the hell other browser you want that doesn’t. Simple as that.
I am more and more satisfied with my decision to use Brave years ago despite all the haters.
Like most people who use YouTube Music, I was grandfathered in after Google Music shut down and have YouTube premium bundled with it.
So with that, it absolutely plays when not in focus and has no ads.
That said, it absolutely is just recommending the same old things that usually show up on my playlists.
Why songbirds and not other vocal mammals like squirrels? Do you think they know that some bird calls sound annoying as shit? Do you think animals cannot differentiate other animals apart and just assume anything that makes noise is a “songbird”?
Go back in the shower, this one needs more time to cook.
Series of AI generated answers
Article from site you’ve never heard of that is filled with ads
Article from a local city you’ve never heard of
Article written by AI that contains 3 sentences and then ads
Actual good source article for different topic
Reddit post about topic
Next page?
Fucking Steam always getting shittier with each update! Why can’t they be better like Microsoft’s XBox Store or DRM free like Epic Games?!
When are they finally going to make a knife that doesn’t cackle with the laughter of those who’ve wronged me when I use it?
Pretty sure the fake stuff has to call themselves maple-flavored syrup, pancake syrup, or just syrup, and only the real stuff is called “maple syrup”
You seem to have conflated blockchain technology with cryptocurrency. Most cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology, but that’s not it’s only use case. Literally every problem you have listed relates to crypto and not blockchain itself. Blockchain is just a ledger of transactions. A private company using it to say, keep track of their inventory, or track their payments, or use it for document control, can implement it however they want.
We are no where near close to running out of nuclear material. And for its energy density, we are unlikely to run out anytime in the next 10000 years. It can also be found in asteroids or other rocky bodies, so unlike wood or fossil fuels, Earth isn’t the only place to get it.
I’d like Nuclear power not to be thrown out with the bathwater because it is practically essential for space travel/colonization in the long term. Solar panels can only get us so far, and batteries are a stop-gap. We need nuclear power because it is the only energy source that can meet our needs while being small enough to carry with us.
All should praise the magic, hot rocks.
deleted by creator
Don’t forget the driver side mounted light
Right? I kept hearing this claim so I finally watched Hidden Fortress and now it pisses me off at how much of a huge fucking stretch has to be made. “Oh, two comic relief buddy characters in an otherwise mostly serious film? Must be a Hidden Fortress ripoff!”
Fuck off. You might as well say they’re similar because both movies use moving pictures and sound to tell a story.
The dog is shopped on,
It’s amazing how many ways you’re wrong when you spend even a second thinking about it. Why don’t you go back in the shower and let this one simmer a bit more.
I have tried to use a password manager like 3 separate times now and can never seem to get the hang of it
Rastafarianism killed Bob Marley. He had an infection in his toe that got bad enough that it needed to be amputated. He refused because it was against his religion and the infection wound up killing him.