I thought that was the case but it automounts at boot. I usually suspend my machine instead of shutting down which prevents the issue.
I thought that was the case but it automounts at boot. I usually suspend my machine instead of shutting down which prevents the issue.
I also switched to Pop!OS recently!
Cannot add library in Steam
I had the same issue. You likely installed Steam from the Pop! Shop by selecting “flathub (flatpak)” which I believe is the default option. You won’t be able to access other drives because of the way flatpaks are containerized (or something along those lines). Go back to the Pop! Shop, uninstall Steam, and then reinstall ofter selecting “Pop!_OS (deb)” from the drop-down menu just below the name of the program. This version isn’t containerized and can access your other drive. Edit: Another thing! When you reboot your system you might need to remind Steam to have another drive. For whatever reason I need to go back to “add drive” and select the drive before Steam remembers that’s where all my games are installed.
crackling and audio cutting out
I haven’t had this exact issue but I did need to play around with PulseAudio/PipeWire to get my microphone to work. I remember uninstalling and reinstalling stuff related to PipeWire and then rebooting the system and my microphone worked.
That’s Richard Stallman. He made FreeBSD which is a distro of Linux.
You’re copying the idea of brilliant entrepreneur Chabuddy G.
I was just going to say my new PC was $5000 and $1,200 of that was the GPU.
My old PC could barely launch STALKER 2 so I decided it was time to upgrade. While picking out the parts I also decided I wanted to try using Linux as the OS. Then I got worried some of my games wouldn’t work. I mean, would STALKER 2 even run on Linux? What about Monster Hunter? Surley these huge titles wouldn’t have Linux support! They do. They work out of the box. It’s amazing how far Linux support for gaming has come.
You hear the one about the COBOL programer? In 1999 many people were worried about a bug with dates that could crash their systems. Unfortunately, a lot of really important systems were still using the outdated COBOL programing language. A search was done to find someone who could fix these systems. The last programmer who knew COBOL was found and they made a lot of money fixing up these systems. So much money that, once they received a cancer diagnosis, they cyrogenically froze themselves hoping that a cure for their disease would be found in the future. The programmer is awoken one day in a lab filled with high tech robotics. A person who is seemingly half machine themseves stands before them. The programmer asks “Have you found a cure for my disease?”. The person replies “We have cured all diseases. You are the COBOL programmer, correct?” “That’s right” “Great! It is the year 9999 and we have a problem we need your help with.”
Make sure to add “…in Mario Kart”
That TLS handshake went hard
some mf named like cum-sock
Excuse me? My family BUILT this country!
The existence of “echo chambers” is debated by scientists. It really doesn’t matter who you hang around with, you’re going to disagree with people.
The echo chamber is overstated: the moderating effect of political interest and diverse media.
Tweeting from left to right: Is online political communication more than an echo chamber?
It’s a lot easier to accept when you absolutely know the people who made your favourite series are gone.
Source: Metal Gear fan
puts probes of voltmeter into outlet
I’m in.
Anime has made me think Onigiri must taste amazing. I’ve still never had it.
I had to create an account on a government website. The website didn’t list a character limit so I used a password manager to generate a 32 character password. My account was created but I couldn’t log in. I used the “forgot my password” option and I received an email of my password in plain text. I also noticed why I couldn’t log in. The password was truncated to just 20 characters. Brilliant website! Tax dollars at work!
The money isn’t for getting naked. It’s for pretending to be interested.
Localized for American audiences
Nazi Germany signed agreements with European and Soviet countries to not invade them and then did it anyways.