That’s like John Carmack’s talks. He goes on and on, but that’s why I’m here.
That’s like John Carmack’s talks. He goes on and on, but that’s why I’m here.
Now I wanna see this in jive
When they call me to fix their PC 😂
That would be the KVM OS.
What are they gonna do about it?
That’s simply a matter of numbers. More people = more content, but people can’t seem to get past the fewer content so they don’t join/stay.
Literally running into this problem. I have a microsoft account with shared calendar and just can’t seem to add it to the outlook app. It keeps trying to go to my domain. There’s a button to specify the provider, outlook, but it just won’t do it. Can’t tell what this closed source garbage is doing wrong, it shows the manual entry fields with my server’s info entered wrongfully.
Since it’s not mentioned before, check out DeArrow. It makes YouTube bearable.
I setup miniDLNA once, many years ago and it just kept working. Downside is that I completely forgot how it’s set up.
Do you also have a Route99 disc?
That’s giving me a server error
While we’re on this topic, why does “update and shutdown” reboot the PC after updating? Just had this the other day. Was in my bed when I heard the PC running and when I got up to check, lo and behold, the login screen…
Tis geen Duits, mijn vriend.
It’s not German.
I’m my language it’s “bottom up” (ondersteboven).
Also came to a similar realization in my language with “averechts”, which means the other way around.
Rechts = right (side, from my pov)
Averechts = ave ( dialect for “your”) right side.
You’re basically communicating “my right or your right”. Asking for right or left can be done by saying rechts or averechts.
Also besides ondersteboven and averechts, we have achterstevoren, which means back side in front.
Surely The Algorithm will not know of the ads inserted, so that won’t influence the results.
But this is just the crack? I’d need to be able to install the game first, but I can’t log into the installer.
I use a pill box, and it’s not the ww2 kind.
I actually haven’t bothered anymore since that one evening. I haven’t played GTA 5 in years and wanted to play the story a bit, but if this is how it is, then they can take their captchas and shove them in sideways.
Ugh, Rockstar and Blizzard have these super insane captchas where you have to solve puzzles 20 times in a fucking row without making a single mistake. They show the answer and then you have to flip through 6 images and choose the correct image matching the answer. Times 20! I just wanted to play GTA5, just gave up. Wasn’t worth my time because it kept failing.
Only 1GB. A lot of the good old games fit on a CD and had enough space left to have a full album of red book music!