I might have to donate to this. Awesome project
I might have to donate to this. Awesome project
I fully agree with your sentiment, but I don’t think blocking VPNs and having different content per region is all about your telemetry data. It’s mainly about content rights. They can’t always get deals to show the content in any region, or it may be much more expensive than buying it for one region.
I hate it as much as anyone, but the streaming companies don’t have full rights to all the content and that’s what needs to change to reach the same experience as music streaming.
An IPTV service is probably going to be the best way to watch live. If you can wait a bit and not watch live, smcgill is the man
Your funny 🙂
*Peace of mind
This is the geekiest thing I’ve ever heard. I love it
Someone might have already mentioned it, but M.2 is just a physical connector. You can have M.2 SATA or M.2 NVME drives. Prefer NVME (a modern motherboard should support it but older ones only do SATA)
Thanks, think that’s the one I remember. Would be great if there was an open alternative
Edit: there are open source repositories but I’m not sure if part of it is closed source? https://github.com/acestream?tab=repositories
Lidarr works ok
I can’t remember the name now (and struggling to find it) but there was some packaging of VLC with I think a customised libtorrent, where someone would effectively broadcast with an infohash (sha hash like in a torrent) and people could stream and share with not much latency. Hashes were shared on sites/telegram/discord etc and it seemed to work ok.
Surprised it didn’t become more popular/standardised
Ah, I didn’t realise it might be difficult on the apple side registering as a company etc. Maybe it’s not worth the effort, but I’m gonna look into the options you mentioned
I’ll check it out, thanks
I’ll check it out, thanks
That’s what I am using at the moment but wondered what extra MDM would allow. Plus it’s an opportunity to learn and mess around with it :)
I’ve not used them yet but was looking at https://www.plinkusa.net/
They have a variety of heights and depths, some of them being 15”
In simpler times, everyone that connected to the internet had an IP address. It’s 4 bytes, which means 4 digits between 0 and 255, so your IP might be In these simpler times everyone could connect to everyone else, but if you want to run different services on your ip like a web server, email, etc, you had to do it on different ports. So if I connect to you on port 80, by convention that was web traffic. On port 21 was for file transfer. But that’s just convention. Any service can be on any port as long as you know which ip and which port to connect to. BitTorrent is no different. It listens on a port for connections from others.
It then got more complicated because people had multiple devices on their home internet connection and there aren’t enough ip addresses to give every device one. So then there was port forwarding (nat). All the devices share one IP address, and the router has rules for which port for incoming connections to forward to which internal device. Two devices can’t use the same port because there would be no way to know where to send the connection.
VPN is the same concept. You’re sharing an IP with that other people on one VPN server and if you want other people to connect to you you need a port forwarded just to you, like you would do on your router.
Very high level. I’ll try to answer if you have more specific questions
Some vpns support usually a single port forward but it can be restricted to certain servers and potentially tricky to set up. Others can answer better on individual providers.
But just to correct a common misconception, port forwarding has nothing to do with seeding vs leeching. Port forwarding is so that you are connectable (others can connect to you). Two peers that are not connectable cannot connect to each other, but as long as one is connectable then a connection can be made and data can be uploaded/downloaded between the two.
So not being connectable will reduce the number of peers you can connect to, which will only really be an issue on torrents with few peers
Can you still get working ones? My old tv won’t get a signal from my new receiver because it’s not got a sufficient hdcp version. Would one of these work to avoid a new tv?
Can anyone, I mean anyone, please explain to me that allure of so called cats. We are happy and have no cats. I just don’t get it