Run a multi-cluster k8s on your notebook to test then?
Run a multi-cluster k8s on your notebook to test then?
Check DNS, MTU and do a full wireshark capture from the Client using both curl and the browser.
I didn’t consider it as valid, one on (phone and internal nvme1), the second one on nvme2 and the third one in the cloud.
Though I have only two copies of normal data myself, I consider live and cloud to be enough for most data. Everything very important has more backups in other ways (bitwarden has an exportable local version on every logged in device, images are stored in immich on my server making it 3 devices)
You have 3 copies, one on your phone and nvme, one on the backup nvme and one in the cloud. You have 2 media, internal SSD and cloud (your phone would count as a third if it wasn’t auto synced) You have 1 off-site in the cloud
Find a new service you like, add it using rootless podman. That way you can test it without affecting your running system.
Try sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=2
on the PC (not vps) or =0 if that doesn’t work
Do a ping of from your user, then open a new console and run tcpdump -i with first your uplink, then wg0. The packets should be seen on wg0 if they’re routed correctly and the problem then is on the vps side. Otherwise it’s a problem on your local config.
Did you add the vps IP to the routing table of your user? ip r add dev wg0 table 1070
// abandon all hope ye who commit here
Edith: damit, Not the first to post this abomination
I have rss feeds for my main service updates so I know what new features I have, the services mostly run in podman containers and update automatically each Monday. I also have daily backups (timed to run just before the update on monday) in case anything does break.
If it breaks I fix it depending on how much I want/need it, mostly it’s a matter of half an hour to fix it and with my current NixOS/Podman system I haven’t yet needed to fix anything this year so it breaks infrequently.
Also why are you using Kubernetes on a single host if you want minimal maintenance? XD
My recommendation is to switch to just managing containers, you should just be able to export the volumes out of kubernetes and import them as normal volumes, as long as they’re mounted in the right place you keep your data and if it doesn’t work just try again. Not like you need to destroy the current system to slowly replace it.
Edit: I also recommend to update and reboot frequently, this stops updates and unstable configurations from piling up.
Don’t worry guys,
i have a plan,
Humanity has left the game
One thing that makes a project good is knowing what it does, I’ve seen quite a few projects where they talk about all the features and technology and how to configure it but not a word about what it actually does, what problems it solves and so on.
I won’t self host your program if you don’t even tell me what it does, don’t make me search and clue together large parts of the documentation just to find if I want it. A simple explanation is enough but somehow I’ve seen quite a few programs that don’t have it.
Yeah it works great and is very secure but every time I create a new service it’s a lot of copy paste boilerplate, maybe I’ll put most of that into a nix function at some point but until then here’s an example n8n config, as loaded from the main nixos file.
I wrote this last night for testing purposes and just added comments, the config works but n8n uses sqlite and probably needs some other stuff that I hadn’t had a chance to use yet so keep that in mind.
Podman support in home-manager is also really new and doesn’t support pods (multiple containers, one loopback) and some other stuff yet, most of it can be compensated with the extraarguments but before this existed I used pure file definitions to write quadlet/systemd configs which was even more boilerplate but also mostly copypasta.
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
users.users.n8n = {
# calculate sub{u,g}id using uid
subUidRanges = [{
startUid = 100000+65536*( config.users.users.n8n.uid - 999);
count = 65536;
subGidRanges = [{
startGid = 100000+65536*( config.users.users.n8n.uid - 999);
count = 65536;
isNormalUser = true;
linger = true; # start user services on system start, fist time start after `nixos-switch` still has to be done manually for some reason though
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = config.users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys; # allows the ssh keys that can login as root to login as this user too
home-manager.users.n8n = { pkgs, ... }:
dir = config.users.users.n8n.home;
data-dir = "${dir}/${}-data"; # defines the path "/home/n8n/n8n-data" using evaluated home paths, could probably remove a lot of redundant n8n definitions....
home.stateVersion = "24.11";
systemd.user.tmpfiles.rules =
folders = [
formated_folders = map (folder: "d ${folder} - - - -") folders; # a function that takes a path string and formats it for systemd tmpfiles such that they get created as folders
in formated_folders;
services.podman = {
enable = true;
containers = {
n8n-app = { # define a container, service name is "podman-n8n-app.service" in case you need to make multiple containers depend and run after each other
image = "";
ports = [
"${config.local.users.users.n8n.listenIp}:${toString config.local.users.users.n8n.listenPort}:5678" # I'm using a self defined option to keep track of all ports and uids in a seperate file, these values just map to "", a caddy does a reverse proxy there with the same option as the port.
volumes = [
"${data-dir}:/home/node/.n8n" # the folder we created above
userNS = "keep-id:uid=1000,gid=1000"; # n8n stores files as non-root inside the container so they end up as some high uid outside and the user which runs these containers can't read it because of that. This maps the user 1000 inside the container to the uid of the user that's running podman. Takes a lot of time to generate the podman image for a first run though so make sure systemd doesn't time out
environment = {
# MYHORSE = "amazing";
# there's also an environmentfile option for secret management, which works with sops if you set the owner of the secret/secret template
extraPodmanArgs = [
"--pull=newer" # always pull newer images when starting, I could make this declaritive but I haven't found a good way to automagically update the container hashes in my nix config at the push of a button.
# few more options exist that I didn't need here
I use podman using home-manager configs, I could run the services natively but currently I have a user for each service that runs the podman containers. This way each service is securely isolated from each other and the rest of the system. Maybe if/when NixOS supports good selinux rules I’ll switch back to running it native.
Hey now, you can also spend 20 pages of documentation and 10 pages of blogs/forums/github1 and you can implement a whole nix module such that you only need to write a further 3 lines to activate the service.
1 Your brain can have a little source code, as a threat.
You create a (self-signed) CA certificate, put its certificate as the client ca in your web server.
Then you can create certificates using this CA that you distribute to your devices, only devices that have a certificate signed by your CA are allowed to connect.
…they base it on how tiktok looks, which is why this article is about how good the display is by measuring brightness, fps, etc.
Well, on linux I’d use systemd’s resolved which would listen on localhost:53 (it would also point resolv.conf there) and then set resolved’s uplink server to your custom port. I don’t have the exact config in mind but it seems to support custom uplink ports(“expects IPv4 or IPv6 address specifications of DNS servers […] optionally take a port number separated with “:”[…]”)
Edit: found this:
Just set the DNS server to localhost:1053 for the nas?
There’s a solution you’re not seeing, make the notebook part of the production cluster.