So you win two free pizzas, get two different toppings, slap one upside down ontop of the other and baby youve got a pizza sandwich
One topping? I assume that doesnt count cheese & sauce, so just a ‘pepperoni’ or ‘mushroom’ or ‘pineapple’ pizza?
The timing was a big factor too, it was like only a day or so after the attempt and while everyone was trying to calm down the situation and condemn the assassination attempt so as not to incite any other people for doing the same or reaction to the attempt, and then he goes and says that, it was very against the grain of the moment.
Bit of a [tragedy+time=comedy] but the time hadnt passed yet so the edge was too sharp
Do you live in Japan?
We have neighbours a couple houses down that occasionally like to have people over in their loud echo-ey metal fence+patio back yard and chop their firepit wood every hour or so when they run out, sometimes well after midnight. I do not think they realise how far that sound carries through the night and dont have the foresight to chop during the afternoon beforehand.
Oh my.
A chamois is going to give a MUCH better finish, is silent and costs pocket change.
Also active/passive gets confusing crossing over into electronics where they already mean something.
I saw some footage from footage from their recent shows and they look like they put on a fun show, and the years haven’t slowed them down
All i can think is ‘imagine if Bernie was 10yrs younger…’
For me its the Borderlands series & portal 2.
Well TIL, thanks. I always associated it with the kids who would listen to like deftones and dance like that
Pretty much what it sounds like, where people who listen to a certain type/sound of music tend to enjoy it at live events by just low key looking down and slowly shuffling or bobbing their head to show their appreciation (rather than headbanging, moshing, etc.) there is a genre called ‘shoegaze’ which pretty much encompasses this kinda scene.
Its in reference to him coming back to life and leaving prison with the new life situation he is in
Literally New Game+
Imagine if all it took was someone with a disease to stroll through congress one day and wipe out those past the best before date
I use private mode for a whole bunch of stuff, visiting shopping sites i dont want coming up in targeted ads, watching youtube videos that are out of my usual jam and not wanting to get endless suggestions for crap im not into because i wanted to see a plumbing repair how-to or listen to a song wildly out of my usual genres because i was in the mood.
You can kinda see a wooden step on the LHS between the support poles, and based on them all not sliding into the centre there must be some sort of seating welded inside (although hard to see if there are any weld heat marks in the quality of the photo). So there probably is a good spot to step either side of the lip if you hold the chains while entering/exiting.
Please note this is a complete armchair analysis
I like that. Keep it short & simple.
My favourite ‘thought trigger’ point is from Bill Burr, it goes something like: “lets for a second say that the earth is flat, then what possible reason could there be for governments, scientists, airlines, internet warriors, etc have for convincing you that it is a sphere. What do they have to gain by you believing this?”.