This would honestly be a lot easier
This would honestly be a lot easier
The challenge isn’t finding counter examples, it’s limiting the narrative of history to have a simple “good/bad divide” but here are some selections of underdogs one may consider the greater of two evils:
As for David and Goliath, keep in mind David was using a sling, a weapon that can hit with the same force as a modern revolver when used properly. It’s entirely possible that story is an allegory and/or propaganda of the value of properly equipping one’s armies; it probably shouldn’t be viewed as anymore impressive than a rampage killer fatally wounding somebody twice their size
You can just make them talk to one of those shitty models from the early 2010s
I work in the insurance industry (though not directly for an insurance company) and while it’s a small sample size, employees there range from apathetic to rolling their eyes at the “poor CEO needing money for his funeral”
Flying cars are also horrifying: they’ve existed for about a century, popular culture won’t accept they’re a bad idea and imagine the research breakthroughs drone warfare would experience if a consumer market were funneling funds in from a whole new closely-related industry
Counterpoint: what?
New Niu York
Yeah, more or less both
I’m deep and this is 14
Now I have 2 chairs
Just one more chair to go…
It’s generally 3 - 6 months of living expenses depending on your situation (generally on the low side unless layoffs are likely) which is very different than salary of an equivalent time frame
All planes land eventually
“Can’t even breath”
Not sure if depression meme or clever burn on PC gamers
Give it a few kilomonths
Truly the superior hot water
Well I guess when there’s a species of giant people eating gum-chewers we really should have expected a decline in its popularity
Let’s just take a moment to recognize his struggle to find a few more programmers
Maybe if we pool together and buy just one more pack of gems (or whatever they call them) they can pull off what must surely be a truly Herculean technical feat
That’s 12.8 billion bites for NYC alone (the population is 8 million there, right? I can’t be bothered to check)